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Jedi Phoenix

Jedi Phoenix is no more

Theos Sairin

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This has already been announced to the clan members, but I figured I would just make a quick public announcement so everyone is aware in case it comes up.


After 8 years, Jedi Phoenix is no longer a clan in Jedi Academy.


We will stay together as a community, playing other games and using the forums to keep updated with one another, but as far as Jedi Academy and other clans are concerned we are now a "dead" clan. Because we are no longer active our members can feel free to join any other clan without risk of multi-clanning, but we will not be changing any member ranks or titles on the forum unless requested.


If you are from another clan reading this in regards to an applicant, hopefully this will clear up any confusion you may have.


As for me, I don't do well with well-written speeches but I just want to say that being in |JP| was a wonderful experience, one that I am sad to see end, but I have met a lot of great people who I hope I will continue to game with in the future, and will always look back on my time in Jedi Phoenix with fond memories.



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I will never forget the pride and honor I've experienced wearing these tags. I enjoyed every hour with you guys on the server, good times, good times...

I know I will treasure those memories forever and as long as this community exists, I will be here!


Thank you all for everything



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well i suppose I did the same with OmNi (I was Huelepega) back in JK2....so I can't complain:


My thoughts on the whole matter:




tssk tssk, i guess Gandalf never came...



R.I.P....D ....sucked as a movie

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  • 4 weeks later...

Dear my Friends, Comrades, Sexy Beasts, Boys + Girls,

Dear my first clan: Jedi Phoenix,



Firstly, I would like to apologize to everyone for my unexpected periodical disappearences, to elders and young members, there were periods in my life when I couldn't give my best and spend time with this amazing community. I am sorry for letting you all down, especially newer members who expected me to be around and guide them, the same way many of you guided me.

-I apologize to everyone who I might have offended or hurt with my direct and sometimes harsh personality.

-I apologize to everyone who I might have pissed off with my nosiness and admin 'ab00se'.

I truly am sorry.




This is it. I knew this day would come.

My experience in this clan was amazing due to the outstanding people I met from all around the globe. The countless hours of duels, conversations, skilling, wars, dicking around, adminning and lots and lots of fun, had made it enjoyable and unforgettable. I will not forget any one of you who made my time in JP a phenomenal experience.


I would like to thank everyone who voted -yes- back in the day for my acceptance. Thank you very much for these years. For people who voted -no-, I hope I still proved to be a valuable member of this clan and hopefully made you change your minds.


Jedi Phoenix is the best and always will be. Please keep this community alive, if not on this game then on others. I hope I could represent JP to the fullest.


It was an honor.


Love you all,



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  • 3 weeks later...

I remember when I first got accepted into JP some 6 or 7 years ago. It was dark, I was sitting in my underpants smoking, and I smelled funny. As I write this post, It's dark, I'm sitting in my underpants smoking, and I smell funny.


JP saw me through probably the more formative years of my life thus far. From that 17 year old unemployed fat kid to where I am now. I learned that there are good intelligent caring people out there, and I learned that there are also complete idiots around us. Also, some people never change, as evident in my trouser clad, hazy, odorous state.


To those who have been around a while, thanks for all the laughs, and all the work(or whatever the fuck it was) it took to make this clan great.


To those more recent arrivals who have no clue who this stank ridden sage behind the keyboard is, I'm glad you all got the chance. to be a part of this disfunctional group of pansexuals, and I am honored to call you my family.


In conclusion, boobs.


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It has been a long run, but we all knew that JP as a JA clan wouldn't last.  I have to say that I have always loved you guys, and the people that came to our server for a good experience.  I love you all, and look forward to playing more games with you all!


- Odi / John

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  • 1 month later...

I kinda missed the news by a couple of months....But anyway, it was amazing fun to hang out with all you guys at |JP| while it lasted :) Your server was the first one, and the only one, I played on starting in 2008 all the way to 2011. Some of my best memories with |JP| are the fun rancor fights, and special maps (mostly t2_trip) where we could fly around in some tie-fighters and shoot each other out of the sky :D And man, some of the trolls on the server, and how you "interacted" with them, made me laugh for a loooong time.


RIP |JP| Clan :sleep:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Good times had with this clan. I think about the good old days all the time. I always came around, it goes much past the feeling of nostalgia but the friends and community we had and kept pretty strong for so long. Want to say thanks to those of you that were around when I was. Coming to play with you guys was always an escape and a good time. People didn't understand when I tried to explain it was like a chat room with lightsabers. I almost regret going inactive and leaving a lot, but my life was moving forward and I didn't have the time I wanted to dedicate.


Until next time |JP|.



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  • 3 weeks later...

YEP....even I'M back for the funeral...


Not sure what compelled me to search JP today...but I'm glad to see that this community has still been going strong so many years later. For those who don't recognize me, consider yourselves lucky.  For those who do...I apologize for my disappearances - I do feel bad about it.  You all helped me through some of the most trying times in my life, which I will always remember.  Okay, before this starts sounding like a desperate message to an ex-gf for pity sex, I'll wrap this up.  I thank you all for accepting me into this wonderful, ridiculous, loving, and utterly insane corner of the internet.  Oh, and I wish you all the very best (=


"From the Ashes, the Phoenix will rise"


Edited by hagoo
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YEP....even I'M back for the funeral...


Not sure what compelled me to search JP today...but I'm glad to see that this community has still been going strong so many years later. For those who don't recognize me, consider yourselves lucky.  For those who do...I apologize for my disappearances - I do feel bad about it.  You all helped me through some of the most trying times in my life, which I will always remember.  Okay, before this starts sounding like a desperate message to an ex-gf for pity sex, I'll wrap this up.  I thank you all for accepting me into this wonderful, ridiculous, loving, and utterly insane corner of the internet.  Oh, and I wish you all the very best (=


"From the Ashes, the Phoenix will rise"



I missed your fat ass.  Hope all is well, Fatty.

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  • 3 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Would also love to revive this thread for my goodbye...

 JP was an awesome clan. Even if in the end I didn't fit into it. I made some mistakes, and some pretty harsh problems arose. I lost the trust I had in many people I looked up to. Many of which were probably younger than me. That says alot about my state of mind at the time.

But JP gave me the structure I needed to become a better father. I met some good life long friends in this clan. People I fondly think of all the time. From Gibbs, to Spinal, to Duke, to CC, to Cousin, to Pulp, to Sarah, even Ч. I still thank you ALL for the experiences you gave me. The lessons you served upon me. And the views of who I SHOULD be.

 JP will always be in my heart, and always have a place for my heart also. 

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Hey look, even I'm here! (Who are you?)


I'm truly thankful for the time I spent with you all in this game. There are some great memories with great friends in this game. I left and came back to this game and this family so many times. I will remember the times we had in this game forever. I remember coming over from OwF with Atlas, Meth and Red-X (Spidy) going through the application process and finally being accepted into JP. 


I'm still active on Steam and I think I've added a few of you already thanks to Green Fairy, My name is "n33dle (Shifty)"


There will always be a place in my heart for JP and our band of misfits. I miss you all.

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