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Jedi Phoenix

New PC Build

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I believe that I was getting something like 70 celcius in most games, and 80c when I did a lot of video editing. That's with an i7-2600k running at stock with the stock Intel cooler. I got a CM Hyper 212+ and rigged up two fans for no more than $30, and it never ran above 55c.


At 4.9GHz right now (with a Corsair H60), I'm getting 50c in WoW outside the stormwind trade district.

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You really don't know what you're talking about, do you. There's almost no point in getting a dual core now, with games coming out requiring a quad core. Dual core will work, but a quad core will still outperform it by a longshot.


And a GTX 550 beats a 9400 GT.

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If it works for him he should get it. If he needs something in the future to either remedy a bottleneck or a heat issue, that can be done. Depending on where he bought it from there should be no problem returning it before the 30 day return time runs out.

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This is what I'll be getting: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/mneS


Keep in mind I'll also be scoping out what other deals are available during the big sales since a buddy saw a 7870 on sale for a short period that was the same price as the 7850 I'm planning on buying.


I'm really satisfied with what I ended up with and appreciate everyone's help in getting me to a point where I can actually be confident about what I'm buying (and why I'm buying it!).

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Just wait to buy everything until the Friday after Thanksgiving, and the Monday after Thanksgiving. Those are when the best deals are going to be available.


You can get another $10 out of that SSD. I got mine for $80, so imagine how much cheaper it'll be on Black Friday or Cyber Monday.

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Are there better deals on Cyber Monday? I can't decide which day I should plan to purchase my stuff on.


Cyber Monday generally has better deals for electronics, so probably for you. Also, Black Friday is for the most part an in-store sale, with very little online sales happening yet. Most of the discounts are going to be on common in-store items like TV's and such, although perhaps in a store like Fry's or Best Buy you might be able to nab something. The in-store choices at Best Buy are going to be limited though if they even carry separate computer parts anymore - I don't know about Fry's because we have none here.


Personally, I enjoy going to Black Friday just because the crowd is hilarious. Last one I went to a skinny white girl started threatening a short mexican man for cutting in line.

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Cyber Monday generally has better deals for electronics, so probably for you. Also, Black Friday is for the most part an in-store sale, with very little online sales happening yet. Most of the discounts are going to be on common in-store items like TV's and such, although perhaps in a store like Fry's or Best Buy you might be able to nab something. The in-store choices at Best Buy are going to be limited though if they even carry separate computer parts anymore - I don't know about Fry's because we have none here.


Personally, I enjoy going to Black Friday just because the crowd is hilarious. Last one I went to a skinny white girl started threatening a short mexican man for cutting in line.


Yeah, I had a feeling Cyber Monday would be better. The title gave me a slight inclination. Most of my parts are very specific, so I don't think it'd be in my best interest to pick anything up in-store.


I always see videos of people going crazy and dying during stampedes of people rushing into stores. Dat shit cray.

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Processors you might have good luck with instore. You might even have good luck with power supplies at places like Frys, or even Best Buy if you don't have Frys near you.


The online deals have been spectacular the last couple of years though, so there shouldn't be a huge problem finding what you like.

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