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Jedi Phoenix

Dead Space


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Alright this game is old yeah. But I finally had a chance to play the game and I've got nothing to do except to wait for Star Wars TFU to finish torrenting.


First off I'd like to say that this game in essence is the true spiritual successor of Resident Evil 4. For those who played RE4 and loved it and was turned off by RE5 for its stupidness in storyline and samey unthrilling moments and gameplay you will probably love Dead Space. Here are my reasons why.




To keep things as spoil free as possible Issac the main character of Dead Space is an Engineer gets sent on a mission to investigate and repair problems on the ISG Ishimura, a planet cracker used to mine minerals and resources off meteorites and desolate planets. A distress beacon goes off and Issac and his crew goes off to see what needs fixing so they can head back home. After the first 5 minutes of the game, everything gets flipped upside down almost immediately and as the saying goes, "the shit hits the fan" and things called "necromorphs" pop in from ventilation shafts that kill off all but two of your team. To make a long story short, there's going to be some additional NPCs in the game thrown in to cause more of a ruckus, double crossing is afoot, and there's a bit of a mystery romance going on between Issac and his missing girlfriend. Its you vs. the undead. And they come in plenty of varieties and flavors ready to rip your head off and spill acid down your neck.




Resident Evil 4/5 players will feel right at home with the controls. Except for the rearranging of the buttons, aiming and shooting feels similar (besides the fact that you are given the god given ability to strafe.) The star of the show are the weapons, and the fun to be had using them. It starts off with the Plasma Cutter, your best friend from now on. It acts like a .44 magnum on steroids with 3 barrels. The Line Gun acts similarly like a shotgun, except it fires lines of energy the size of a small couch. The Pulse Rifle is a standard assault rifle, nothing special here and same goes for the Flame Thrower. The Ripper fires a rotating blade that hacks everything in its path and screams badass all over. The Contact Beam is like a hand held cannon, and the Force Gun is like a short ranged sawed off shotgun. Armor can also be unlocked providing additional inventory slots. Stores allow you to buy and sell health items and ammo of course, and upgrade benches are available to give your weapons that extra kick.


Of course all these guns wouldn't be useful if you don't have anything to shoot at now would you? Like I said earlier, Necromorphs come in all shapes, sizes and lethality. The only way to kill them, is to cut off their limbs to render them useless to attack. No, do not shoot them in the head. They aren't zombies and they don't eat brains. Instead you have to chop off their arms and legs before you reach for that well placed headshot to finish them off. Balancing the need to dismember necromorphs and checking for additional prey is thrilling and frightening at the same time. What also adds a sense of nail biting around each corner is the limited amount of ammo the game provides you. Sometimes you'll curse at the game for not giving you the ammo think you'll need for the oncoming fight ahead. But it gives you good reason to experiment with you other guns instead of relying on a single weapon all the way through.




Dead Space oozes death, blood and darkness. And that's a good thing. Lights flicker and random sounds litter around hoping to spook you. Blood smears, remains of crew members and body parts scatter all around the ship. The environment makes you feel disgusted at what you see to the point where you can almost smell the death around you. It seriously makes you think, holy crap I'm the only one alive and there's no one here to help me. Even though you have companions, all they do is move the story forward. Expect every single necromorph you see die by your hands only. The use of zero gravity flips the game into multiple dimensions. Being trapped in a room with no gravity and necromorphs also add on to the excitement knowing they could be not only behind you or to the side of you, but above as well. The game also places you in rooms with no oxygen forcing you to speed through enemies and rush to areas allowing you to breathe in a sigh of relief. Attention to detail can be seen everywhere. From the creaks and stomps of Issac's boots on the steel floor. The sound of anguish, fear and pain of the random surviving crew members as they fall into the grasps of necromorphs. The way particles and random body parts float and dance in zero gravity. The inside of the ISG Ishimura engulfs you and makes you yearn to escape its terrible clutches.



I seriously recommend this to anyone who looks forward to an adrenaline pumping action game. My only gripes about it is the controls at times feel clunky, some enemies have cheap tactics making them frustrating to kill. Some segments like manning turrets or fighting while Issac is immobilize will annoy players since the game doesn't do much to assist in aiming at awkward angles. Besides those minor peeves, the game is awesome and I can whole heartedly recommend this to those in need of a 10 hour wake up will love this game. With the ability to continue the game off the same save file, it gives players incentive to replay it just to get a bit of payback against the necromorphs with your upgraded weapons and armor. If you haven't tried it yet, give it a shot. It only costs about 20 bucks brand new, 15 used in most stores and is worth the time and money.


Score 9/10

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