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Jedi Phoenix

Improving FPS and Ping

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How big is the relationship between my video settings and my connection's performance? My computer runs JKA flawlessly with everything on max and I usually experience among the worst pings on the server. Would toning down the video settings really make enough of a difference? I thought that information was all processed on my side and none of it was sent/received, so I would expect the impact overall to be minimal :\

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How big is the relationship between my video settings and my connection's performance? My computer runs JKA flawlessly with everything on max and I usually experience among the worst pings on the server. Would toning down the video settings really make enough of a difference? I thought that information was all processed on my side and none of it was sent/received, so I would expect the impact overall to be minimal :\


The only commands that should affect your connection would be the four "Ping Commands" at the bottom.

Unfortunately, any number of things can cause a high ping; distant server proximity, slow ISP connection speed, poor connection to your wireless router (if you use one) and so forth.


The "Ping Commands" should help, /rate and /snaps especially. If it isn't working, try experimenting with the other two commands in that subheading. Only tone down your video settings if you're getting a poor FPS.

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@Fasttea, I believe the server is on the US, right? Me being from Europe, I guess there's only so much I can expect. I will try the commands, though, thanks for clearing it up.


@SuperHetero, my works often requires me to input excessive amounts of data on a remote server that is updated entry by entry and work can only be saved at the end of each section. I can totally relate to the guy on the video, god knows how close I've been to that :shiftyninja:

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  • 5 months later...

For a substantial fps increase:


r_gamma 0

r_intensity 2 (or higher, to taste)

and increase brightness, to taste.


r_gamma steals a ton of fps, do not ask me why, it is a Q3 engine problem. Disabling it will increase your fps an additional 10-30.

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