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Jedi Phoenix

|JP| Weekend


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So we've settled on July 25th and 26th for this year's JP weekend. This is a 48 hour event, open to clan members and anyone else really. The server's public, do whatever you want. Hopefully we can make this an annual thing at around the same time. That would be pretty cool.

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Edited the post to include include 27th and 28th as a potential date for those of you who didn't read the comments.


Here's an idea that might either be brilliant or incredibly stupid.


What if... we hosted every weekend of July. Feesable or gtfo?

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Here's an idea that might either be brilliant or incredibly stupid.


What if... we hosted every weekend of July. Feesable or gtfo?

It's brilliantly stupid, and here's why: At that point, you may as well just say "come to the JP server whenever you want". AKA the current situation. The server is up and open for anyone to visit, but none of us really have the time or desire to come and play on it. If we set one designated day per year/several months/whatever, people are more likely to show up because it's an occasion. But if we have it as a weekly thing...then people probably won't show up. So, I think it's better to just set a date and go with that.


Now, granted we're talking every week in a specific month, I'm trying to get a day lined up where we can have the most people on at one time. If we spread it out over the course of four weeks, I think we'll be spreading it quite thin. Maybe it'll work, but I have doubts. I'm open to trying it, but for the time being having it set over the course of two days on the weekend seems like a better idea to me.

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Well, my days off have been moved to midweek this time, and I'm before my 3rd 12-hour shift today. At this point, I'll say fuck it, I'll just call in sick for 3 days including the weekend, just let me know which one it'll be.

I appreciate your dedication to this. The 25th and 26th is sounding like the most likely date. 

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