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Jedi Phoenix

Let's do this.


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I just restarted the server and added welcome bots.

I'll be in there for the entirety of the day.
Before you go to work or before you go to sleep, come in, leave your game on, minimize/alt-tab, whatever or however the fuck you do it, JKA is -not- that resource intensive. Get your asses in here and let's give this place some life because it may never breathe again.


This isn't mandatory, it is just an effort to produce -some- kind of presence within the server.


I'll be here all day, nerds.




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I'd love to, but my UU doesn't work, even with a new install this time, and that means if I start it up, I can't even minimize it/alt-tab out of it. If you plan on doing it tomorrow too though, I'll be joining the server (AFK mode obviously) while I'm asleep, but my connection resets itself out of random every 2-4 hours, so I'll not be too much help.


Still, if someone actually wants to play, holler on Steam. I might be asleep when you do, but if I'm there, I'll join.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Totally just installed JA on steam after losing my CDs.. xD But the server list is broken or something. Guess the master server went down and no one cared anymore >_


Yeah, some turbonerd decided to DDoS the Ravensoft master server and it hasn't been back since. In the meantime, you can change to a community ran one. It doesn't list -all- servers, but most of the bigger and more active clans are listed with it.


/sv_master1 "master.jkhub.org" (OpenJK might be required)


http://my.jacklul.com/jkhubservers/ Too.

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