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Jedi Phoenix

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My PC is dying pretty much, so nothing here either :(


Good news is that I have a job and I can get a new PC in a month or two for super cheap. Nothing high-end, but most newer games may or may not run on it, so I'll see if I can join in a very laggy Planetside match next time (probably not, but still a step forward).

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been playing some xbawks gaims, mostly single player ones but just found this one called "moon diver", kinda ninja gaiden-ish, i like but t'is old and no one plays it anymoar :c Also just got a 3-DEE-ESS and play MH3U, but from what i can tell the "online play" seems to be limited to who the game can find that happens to be playing at the time within a vicinity around me... so been soloing it all so far :/ My pc has been having memory problems, and while it is fixable (quite easily so) i'm tired of fucking with it, so haven't bothered to do it yet. I almost would rather just buy a new pc.

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I've recently started playing minecraft on the pc (I know, I'm late to the game... suck it). Other than that still everything I'm playing is mainly single player. I'd say I need to get out more, try more things, but somehow when related to video games that statement seems kind of ironic.

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I've recently started playing minecraft on the pc (I know, I'm late to the game... suck it). Other than that still everything I'm playing is mainly single player. I'd say I need to get out more, try more things, but somehow when related to video games that statement seems kind of ironic.

I hope you're playing on smit's server, cause I've been building and nobody's been on

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IP is, if you go through the portal in my little house next to the cobble spawn building be careful, I haven't properly enclosed it yet. Also, the portal to my desert house is up, a stone brick and iron bar enclosure about a hundred blocks from Smitty's main stone brick portal house. The big dirt path is to try and get some grass into my house, it'll be removed later.

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