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Jedi Phoenix

First Sig!


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Hey, I finally tried to create a sig myself. Here's the outcome:



Any thoughts or remarks?




- added a boarder

- tried to blend in the render a bit more

- played around with the text a little



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Not bad for a first at all. Some pointers, if I may.


1: Work on blending in the render. As it is it just sort of sticks out. While it is the focus, you don't want it to distract from everything else.


2: Text, unless you are able to work it in with the flow, should never be used.


3: Flow. There is none as far as I can tell. Basically just try to get the C4D's to all move in a direction that you want the focus to be. Another way to think of it is motion blur in a game.


Anyways, if I were you I'd find specialized tuts for those areas if you can. It'll help a lot.

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Thanks for the feedback everyone!


Yea, I wasn't too content with the text... I just thought I need to place my name somewhere in the sig.

As for blending in and flow I believe these are abilities that will develope while working on sigs but it's good that you mention it so I know what I need to improve.


Basically I created the sig the most easy way I could find in a tutorial (for real beginners). I didn't even use any C4Ds only different brushes ;)

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