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Jedi Phoenix

iPad Mini, and the dance of the 7" GALAXY Tab2.

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So I've found myself in the market for a tablet. And, I could use a little help deciding which to get. 

I'd like to stick to the 7" range aptly dubbed "Mini" by Apple (even though they're up to 7.9. Cheeky fucks), since I'll be using it regularly in the cockpit and would really love the smaller size and less weight for that reason. 


My generic planned uses are as expected. Booting up the big PC in my room seems like a colossal waste when I only need to make quick checks (work email, facebook, youtube, browsing, scheduling, messaging) and an on-hand tab would really come in handy. So, I'd like it merely for the convenience. 


I also plan to use it for flight planning and scheduling, en-route flight data, FSS use, etc. Garmin has developed quite an incredible app called Garmin Pilot that does just about all these things. It even taps into your airplane's panel and provides a second set of avionics, and a moving GPS map which is an immense luxury in a small airplane. It also offers Flight Service capability when connected to WiFi, which makes the not-so-tough task of filing a flight plan much simpler and more organized, with all your flight data right in front of you when you need it.

Luckily Garmin released this app on both iPad and Andriod based tablets, which is really great! But, it totally doesn't help me decide which I should get.


Earlier in the week my lady friend went and got herself the iPad with Retina Display, and after playing around with it for a few days I really liked it. So, yesterday I went to the Apple mind control center and played around with the Mini which had the same results. I enjoyed the feel of it and the interface immensely. I haven't had the opportunity to play with a Tab2 7.0, but it seems to be the primary competitor with the iPad mini that is still compatible with Garmin Pilot, and is $130.00 cheaper. And correct me if I'm wrong, the memory can be upgraded on it which quells my deepest builder's fear when I look at the forever sealed forbidden zone inside the aluminum iPad shell. 



I'd like to hear from anyone who has either of these tabs or similar tabs or who can recommend another tab, and what their experiences are. Your opinions. Give them to me. I want them. Benchmark tests are welcome. Apple/Andriod fanbois are welcome. Seriously, I want to hear every opinion before I try to make an intelligent purchase. Tell me everything. Thanks and much

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Apple products are uninspired, over-expensive, and generally outdated trash. The only time there is an exception to this rule is when they break ground in the market, which happens to be the only thing they're good at.


Once a product has been out long enough for someone else to copy the main idea and improve upon it, Apple products aren't worth it anymore. Past that their advertising is better quality than their actual products.

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I agree wholeheartedly. I've been using that iPad with Retina on and off since I posted this on almost a nightly basis, and after discovering all of it's obvious setbacks on my own, have decided not to go anywhere near an Apple product. 

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