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Jedi Phoenix

League of Legends?


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Who plays? I'm trying to get an idea of the amount of interest in creating a group of us who'd 5v5 premade, 3v3, possibly even 5v5 ranked for fun? It'd be under a Phoenix name of sorts. If there's enough people keen possibly even a forum section which could cater for builds or questions from new players.


My summoner name is Goldrinne, NA servers.

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Yes. I play. I'll have to add you guys though. I can't be added unless it's after a game because my name is in Korean so it doesn't show up.

I'll add all you guys..I'm only level 22 so I can't do ranked. (Not to mention I'd probably do terrible anyways, since I hear it's a whole different game pretty much.)


I usually play ranged of some sort, but there are exceptions.

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1256 elo atm xD

prefer AD carry Vayne

Jax solo top (used to be singed but rangeds fuck me up)

and now trying Olaf jungle would have won first time jungle if wasn't internet that fucked my game :s

and mid its cassio trying to and also fizz but once I got fucked up by a cassio and my motivation with fizz got to 0

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