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Jedi Phoenix

Movies You've walked out of


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I know it may seem wierd to some folks, but after all the hype about the Avengers, I thought it was going to be an amazing movie.


I walked out last night, lol. My friends thought I was crazy.


Way too much poorly written dialog throughout the first half of the movie (instead of action) and just some really corny scenes in my personal opinion.


Me and my woman just weren't impressed, so we left!



Other Movies I've walked out of:

The Rite


Iron Man 2

and there's more.


I don't think the movie theatre is a good investment for me lol

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I won't bash you for being so critical. You have a right to be if you want to. I just know I could never discuss or go to the movies with you if you walk out that frequently. How rude.



To me every movie is a good movie. Even if I didn't like it at all, someone else in the world did. And that makes it a success.

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I won't bash you for being so critical. You have a right to be if you want to. I just know I could never discuss or go to the movies with you if you walk out that frequently. How rude.



To me every movie is a good movie. Even if I didn't like it at all, someone else in the world did. And that makes it a success.

How thoughtfully and unselfishly said. :wub:

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I won't bash you for being so critical. You have a right to be if you want to. I just know I could never discuss or go to the movies with you if you walk out that frequently. How rude.



To me every movie is a good movie. Even if I didn't like it at all, someone else in the world did. And that makes it a success.


Well, I wouldn't call it rude =D Only rude to myself. Me and my woman are always in agreement when we know we want to walk out of a movie which is why I love her even more lol. I think we are highly critical of movies, probably a little too much, but it's our own opinions :thumbup:

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I can understand your disappointment xD but I wouldn't walk out of a movie I paid for, and also paid for all the food/solf drink/crap. I watch it all. Do it even if it kills you! It's good for you.

What doesnt kill you makes you stronger. :laser:

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I walked out of "Meet the Spartans" but I've rented a few movies like "Shaolin Soccer" which I got through 5 min before I turned them off (tho I do search for bad movies to laugh at but it was too bad)

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I walked out of "Meet the Spartans" but I've rented a few movies like "Shaolin Soccer" which I got through 5 min before I turned them off (tho I do search for bad movies to laugh at but it was too bad)

One of my terrible secrets is that I've sat through the entirety of Meet the Spartans.

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Only one I "walked out on" (techincally turned off the DVD player) was Scott Pilgrim vs. The World. Now, I'm a mildly self-entitled gamer and I like the style of the movie and all, but that umm, careless writing pissed me off to no end. I could not sympathise with some schmuck who cheats on his girlfriend to begin with, and then the whole world around him seemed to be okay with it, like nothing bad was done and all. The whole movie reeked of artistic masturbation for me (the writing part at least), and while I think that to be a true artist, first you have to please yourself with your shit, this was just bad. It made me stop watching and go to sleep actually.


The only other movie I almost stopped watching was Audition, but that was because the movie was so shocking near the end that I almost couldn't bear it. It's pretty similar to Irreversible in that regard; both are amazing though.

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I won't bash you for being so critical. You have a right to be if you want to. I just know I could never discuss or go to the movies with you if you walk out that frequently. How rude.



To me every movie is a good movie. Even if I didn't like it at all, someone else in the world did. And that makes it a success.



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Can you send the money you're wasting going to see them, my way? If I paid to see it, I'm going to stay regardless.


Even if I didn't like it at all, someone else in the world did. And that makes it a success.


As Jonz said.

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