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Jedi Phoenix

SOTW (How it works)


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SOTW stands for Signature of the Week. Basically signatures are the images you find at the end of each user's posts on basically any forum you can possibly go on.

They have become something of an art over the years.


Anyways, this contest/competition doesn't have prizes or anything; other than the fact that the winners from each SOTW will be placed into our Hall of Fame for all to see.


Each week I will post a topic for people to participate and post their signatures in the topic. Then, once the deadline is hit, I'll make a separate topic for the voting to take place. Everyone that is a member of the JP forums can vote and participate; not just people who participate in SOTW or are a member of JP. The themes and specifications for each SOTW will simply be dependant week to week.


Traditionally most participants use something like Adobe Photoshop to create their signatures. But use whatever you have at your disposal. Another thing very commonly found in signatures are renders. These are essentially images cut out from their backgrounds. So you're just left with the character or whatever. A good source for renders is:




Although there are plenty of other sources online for finding good renders, including google. Simply search something like "naruto render" and you'll get like a million hits for images of the very famous Uzumaki Naruto with a transparent background for seamless use into your signatures.


So that's just about all there is to know about SOTW! Happy Sigging!

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