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Jedi Phoenix

Still go to New Vegas or the Capital Wastes?


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Umm... completing the quests, I guess?


But in Fallout 3 I'm running around in sexy sleepwears as a redhead (cause only pussies play with armor); have my house with that lovemaking costumization at Megaton filled with one-pieces of pre-war money (looks like the bedroom of the most financially succesful hooker in existence...); and basically collect every piece of trash along the way cause I suffer from "Virtual OCD" i think. Yeah, it's becoming tedious so I'm slowly dropping that habit.


Also, I love the fact that I have to find a glitchy wall to "exit" Megaton, only to find that old guy out in the glitchy void to sell him my scrap metal collection. I know it's a game breaking bug, but I always find it sort of amusing.

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