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Jedi Phoenix

Assassin's Creed: Forbidden Love


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Hi guys, here's something overly interesting I found on Indievania, and I already posted about it on the Escapist forums, so I thought I'd share it with my favourite community. Sorry for copypasting my post, but I'm way too lazy to sum it up again, so here you go:



So I was browsing through Indievania and found a game that was a little out of place for me. Seeing an AC title in the midst of barely known titles was baffling to begin with, but it should come as no surprise, seeing how Serious Sam has at least 3 indie spinoffs as well. Reading the description actually piqued my interest, it's about a gay couple living in medieval times I guess, where the church starts to chase them down with the intention of not joining the fun themselves, to say the least. So I went ahead and downloaded the free version (found in the demo link) which is the full game without support for bank in-game, which I have no idea what is for so far. So I start the game up, and... Jesper Kyd's soundtrack from AC2 can be heard. Hey, that's great, at least the music's not going to suck. Then I start reading the backstory and... What the blistering fuck.


It looks like it's written by a russian guy with only basic english knowledge, and is full of hilarious sentences putting the "All your base" guy into shame. Here is a screenshot of the execution of Dean, one of the gay lovers in the story:




No, I am not making this up.


So after checking out how Ubisoft could have licensed something so clumsy and hilarious, I found out that they more than probably never did. The guy made this game probably with something like RPG Maker (not familiar with these tools so I'm not sure) as a fan game, but the problem is, he's not only using music from one of the original games, but also asks for a price of around 10 bucks. Oh crap, hopefully this won't end as badly as it seems.


The plot of the game sounded interesting at first, but then I couldn't take it seriously given all the engrish present in its language. I'm also not sure if it's intentional or not (probably not), but it also comes off as very, VERY stupid and offensive. It's a shame, would have been nice to see someone touching the subject a bit more seriously in the game industry. I hope he's not going to get in too much trouble for this though, I appreciate his effort.


As for you fellow Escapists, why don't you check this game out for yourselves? Some laughs are guaranteed if you are into "so bad it's good" type of movies and games and hilarious translations, such as the aforementioned "All your base are belong to us" example. I only provided one screenshot because the game really has a lot of these wondeful moments. I've been playing it for 10 minutes and almost fell out of my chair laughing my ass off. I thought it's worth to experience it first hand, so didn't post the rest. That, and I was lazy.


Here's a link where you can check it out:


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