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Jedi Phoenix

Can a knicker get a table dance?

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For those who don't remember me, I used to be in the clan a long time ago. When Veers wasn't home, I was widely considered by everyone in my house to be the best at all video games ever. So you can see why it is a treat that I found a need for graphical help.


I got really high the other day. Like, I worked a 12 hour graveyard shift, come home, smoked a bowl, then popped a couple gravol with some vodka just cuz. So in my dazed stupor before falling asleep, I had an idea for a cool project. I registered the domain, threw together a quick phpnuke install, and left notes for my sober self.


The idea is War Story Board. It's a place where you tell the most glorious of your glory days, but you are limited to only one paragraph. Think of it like swapping bar stories but without the long winded middle parts.


I suck at Photoshop stuff. always have, always will. But this is what I need.


Topic Icons Like This:



For 4 topics. Epic, Fail, and Funny


I also need a banner of some kind for the header.


check out http://www.warstoryboard.com to see the theme I picked. I'm not picky, I just want to get it going and this is the last real step in my way aside from small minor details.


If you want something for the work let me know.

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