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Jedi Phoenix

UE ban stories


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If I know my popular "let's all bash someone/something" threads like I do, this is going to reach a certain level of unacceptability. So for all of our sakes, Iet's not make it a point to publically bash another clan or its individual members. Especially those of you who know better.

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If I know my popular "let's all bash someone/something" threads like I do, this is going to reach a certain level of unacceptability. So for all of our sakes, Iet's not make it a point to publically bash another clan or its individual members. Especially those of you who know better.


You're such a killjoy.

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  • 3 months later...

I don't have a UE ban story... but I have got this tidbit...




^2»^7Rögüë^2:^7Cöyötë^2:^7Çë^2« to ^7M^8a^7x^8i^7m^8u^7s: i think you should apply for rogue

^7M^8a^7x^8i^7m^8u^7s to ^2»^7Rögüë^2:^7Cöyötë^2:^7Çë^2«: i will whats the web page again

^2»^7Rögüë^2:^7Cöyötë^2:^7Çë^2« to ^7M^8a^7x^8i^7m^8u^7s: www.BLAMEGIBBS.com/rogue

^2»^7Rögüë^2:^7Cöyötë^2:^7Çë^2« to ^7M^8a^7x^8i^7m^8u^7s: our server is populated if you wanna come

^7M^8a^7x^8i^7m^8u^7s: ok whats ip again

^2»^7Rögüë^2:^7Cöyötë^2:^7Çë^2« to ^7M^8a^7x^8i^7m^8u^7s:

^7M^8a^7x^8i^7m^8u^7s to ^2»^7Rögüë^2:^7Cöyötë^2:^7Çë^2«: o and that ballsack guy is a good friend

^7M^8a^7x^8i^7m^8u^7s to ^2»^7Rögüë^2:^7Cöyötë^2:^7Çë^2«: can he come with?

^2»^7Rögüë^2:^7Cöyötë^2:^7Çë^2« to ^7M^8a^7x^8i^7m^8u^7s: he can come if he wants np!! ^^

^2»^7Rögüë^2:^7Cöyötë^2:^7Çë^2« to ^7M^8a^7x^8i^7m^8u^7s: yeah, shouldn't have talked here tho, they have rules...my bad...







I'm impressed that I remembered Rogue's forum URL. It's still up, but unfortunately the topic about my hardcore recruitment is locked, so I can't edit my painful responses...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just gunna bring this up knightfire, vicious, and I went to UE trolled like hell renamed wiggled yawed and spinned and didnt get banned we got slept and silenced -.- but i think the kid didnt have ban but it was still pretty damn funny we were on skype loling our asses off for a good 10 min xD


tbh not getting banned on EU and still trolling is a acheivment o.o

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Just gunna bring this up knightfire, vicious, and I went to UE trolled like hell renamed wiggled yawed and spinned and didnt get banned we got slept and silenced -.- but i think the kid didnt have ban but it was still pretty damn funny we were on skype loling our asses off for a good 10 min xD


tbh not getting banned on EU and still trolling is a acheivment o.o


Hmm.. well that's promising to hear from our respected JP members and a potential candidate.


Interesting.. thanks for bringing this up.


I'd expect more out of you guys, just sayin'. Especially two of you representing one of the least trollish clans in JA, I'd say.



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Yah i Kinda realize that now -_- guess i was just trying to make my own story , Well i realize ive broken the rules and im sorry for putting jp in the precarious position of Drama ( if it ever happens) anyway long story short sorry guys when and IF i do something bad again im not going to post it .....ha?...no seriously i acted foolishly so i apologize ill make it a note not to go around trolling random servers for random enjoyment >.>

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All good. Don't beat yourself up over it really. It's not a ''rule'' that you're breaking, in anyway. It's more just an understanding and appreciation we have for our members here; to hopefully not go around doing things like this, whether tags are on or not. Honestly I assumed the tags were not on, rather I damn well hoped they weren't on actually. It's more the concept. As Smit said it's not really something we give a thumbs up for is all. Being the respectful clan that we are, and being around for so many years because of that reason.


No more discussion really needs to be said on this matter, keep bringing the ban stories, they're funny to read. If you feel the need to say more although it's not necessary, I forgive you ;p, you're welcome to PM me.




Edit: Just saw the PM you sent, thank you for your honesty, and explaining the whole thing further. Dueces.

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