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UE ban stories


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Story time! Once upon a time..



DS, I'm pretty sure we're on the same page but we are just looking at the glass from two different sides. I never said they weren't hypocritical and self-indulging, and from what the posts here are saying, it sounds like they are. And its a pretty clear consensus that they have no legitimacy to their clan just by reading the posts too. The real thing i was trying to say was it was completely in their right to do so; you can make whatever rules you want once you enter the private domain (assuming that private domain doesn't fall under a public one, say, a person living in the UK making rules in his home that violate UK laws). Their jurisdiction lies with whoever wants the benefits they provide, assuming they take on the cost (ie. the rage-ban). So..jurisdiction over no one means no jurisdiction. I'm not gonna judge them personally because we already have plenty of opinions formed about UE, but I don't have to because I haven't ever been on their server and nothing makes me want to stay on their server. It's like the argument of attending a private university or working for a private company but not liking its rules: if you don't like them, don't attend/work there. If you feel like you're getting screwed, don't screw yourself and get out. It's not someone else's fault if you can't take the initiative to get yourself out of the situation. It's all just opportunity costs. Any reasonable person would know not to assume the costs if the reward wasn't worth it, but if you agree to pursue the reward, you take upon the cost and rules, no matter how dumb or ridiculous it is.


All in all, I'm really just ranting about the NBA lockout. It doesn't matter if the players are selfish or the owners are selfish, but the fact that the players think they have a right to play basketball games in arenas owned by the owners is ridiculous. Sense of entitlement, that's all it is, it isn't an antitrust issue. Form your own league if you want, but i promise it won't be near as successful as the already-established NBA. From a business standpoint, any company that has a 50% split to its employees is doomed. From an NBA business standpoint, if you are losing money, how is it possibly at the fault of the players? They're both just playing the blame game and neither side knows how to do simple math. the CBA lasts 10 years, and 52% of 9 seasons is far less than 50% of 10 seasons. Factor in lost revenue from a drop in fans and following and you're getting less money, from less games, from less income. The owners would've made more money by not locking out the players them keeping their ridiculously high, guaranteed contracts, and the players would've made more money by accepting a pay cut and not losing games than fighting a labor battle. And the players happen to be a time-value asset, their bodies aren't getting any younger, owners have all day to sit out, and actually are gaining profit if they are indeed losing money. It's a losing battle for the players who have turned to the courts as a desperate attempt, it's a fight without a purpose for the owners, and altogether a lose-lose, especially for the fans. But the one thing you hit spot-on is the hypocrisy and self-indulging that situations like this are full of.

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At first, I was gonna award Sarawr with the internets, but then DS made me spit A&W out my nose with his peace sign face paint dancing. Then Mog said exactly what I was thinking, but he didn't deserve an internets for that. Buuut then Cryclops comes and jukes to the left with a "This was all about the NBA lockout".


Now I can't decide. I hate you all.

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Whenever I disregard their rules or act like an ass I get banned, and whenever I act like a faggot they let me stay and beat them over and over again. They do sometimes try to argue with me and tell me I'm poking or wiggling, though. Which is pretty annoying since they obviously shun the tactic because they have no idea how to use it properly, and subsequently can't identify it with enough accuracy to actually dole out punishment to those who wiggle/poke.


Edit - I'm gonna pee in their juice boxes.

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Got on once, didn't provoke them, didn't do anything crazy and guess what?


I wasn't banned.


Yeah, I get it, some people are getting banned for no apparent reason according to their stories but what's the point if you're provoking them? They've got stupid rules; cool, but it's their server that they are paying for so if I went there with the intention of proving them wrong about it, how different would I be from those that we punish on our server?

Because 10 year olds with admin is stupid.

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in so to everyone saying "It's their server, they can make there own rules" i dont disagree that they have the right to do that, but it still makes them look like assholes. i dont care how much they pay for their server, there is no LEGITIMATE grounds for banning someone because they beat you in a duel, so cyclops by your reasoning there is nothing to stop me from connecting to our server now dueling a few people and banning them when they beat me. no our rules dont say you CANNOT beat a JP member in a duel but i also saw no you CANNOT beat a UE member in a duel, so i should be within my rights to make up rules on the spot for my own convenience on our server, i never would because im not a massive dick, but by your logic/argument i have the right.

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Psh, Tiphani is stupid. UE is stupid. They use admin just for fun on people, lets not sugar coat it :p After the initial first ban I got for no reason (I spoke no words and they didn't like how I had 0 deaths when they used modded sabers on me, you know, the ones that make you fly everywhere) I never went back outside to mess with them or out of boredom.



Yes its their server. Thats ALL that can be said about them in terms of fairness or decency. So they were disrespectful jerks to ya? Qbot their server for a week (run it in your background) and go about your business elsewhere lol. In my opinion they don't deserve to even play so I shut them down for a bit and oh my god the tears.




Aside: last time I went there I beat some random admin (imagine that) and they chased me with the admin saber, couldn't kill me, and hinted they were going to admin abuse me. Told them I was excited for the ban and laughed; they decided only to ampunish me out of spite?? "Yea well how do you feel about that?" type comment lol. Such goof balls.

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yea, thats just messed up, they shall be dealt with in time by the new polaris army, the Nil'kemorya


and its actually not really their server, unless they bought their own dedi, lol. its rented from a

gameserver company ;)


The fact that this isn't even the first time I've heard something as dumb as that before is really sad. Way to kill whatever amusement this topic had left. Fucking RP-ers.

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