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Jedi Phoenix

What and How to attend Movie Night


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Movie Nights is one of our new events which the community gets together to celebrate the weekend. There are always two movies that are always streamed. Every Sunday a nominees topic is created where the first 5 replies will get their movie added to a poll. You guys choose the first movie in the line up while the second movie is always a mystery, but almost always a movie that recently came out. Occasionally there will be special events where we can go a whole week; for example a Star War marathon and we will eventually start a daily series once we get more popular.


As for the details- based on your votes:


Day: Fridays & Saturdays (every other week we'll change off)


Time: 7:00 PM & 8:00 Pacific Standard Time (every other week we'll change off)


Where: http://jediphoenix.c...vie-night-here/


Pass: JP

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