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Jedi Phoenix

Best Free Anti Viruses

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Ok, time to bring this topic back from the dead! What's your Favorite Free Anti Virus Program?


Me? I vote for Avast. Its small, has many useful features such as sandbox, which runs a program in a virtual environment to detect if it run anything dirty, and it also does scans quickly and painlessly.

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Although not free, I've been using Norton since Windows 98 (I still use 98 as my secondary OS) and I can only recall one maybe two serious problems. Yes, Norton in its earlier days was heavy handed with the system resources but in later years it seriously had been improved in performance. I think now it uses less then 6mb of ram.


$40 a year well spent.

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I use Avira for several years. After installation I had no more problems with viruses. It's quite enough to enjoy it together, for example, with a free Comodo Firewall. That's what I'm doing.


Of course avira's paid version has many additional features: proactive protection against phishing, detects unknown viruses by their behavior patterns, enhanced email protection...But actually I don't need these features.

I used Dr. Web and kaspersky, but Avira more convenient for me.

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AVG kind of annoyed me to the point of going without an antivirus until MSE was released. It never detected anything anyway so I was either safe, or it sucked. MSE works all right for me, stays out of the way, updates itself and is set to run a full scan every week, I all most forget I've even got it sometimes. :p


To be honest though, I doubt it really matters what you use as long as you've got something that stays relatively up to date and you actually watch what you're doing on the 'net. The best AV is yourself...And maybe some Firefox or Chrome plugins. :p

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AVG detects a whole bunch of shit and sends it to the vault even though there is no threat what so ever. When I was trailing it, it was good at vaulting the 'threat' but for some reason could not actually remove it. You get what you pay for.

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AVG detects a whole bunch of shit and sends it to the vault even though there is no threat what so ever. When I was trailing it, it was good at vaulting the 'threat' but for some reason could not actually remove it. You get what you pay for.



Funny thing is, since it doesn't remove it, It just bulks up the computer. Clearly not very good free trial :thumbsdown:

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Panda Cloud Antivirus! Ftw! I think this is where the next evolution of anti-malware software's going to go.


It's very lightweight, for desktops or netbooks. No more resource hogging like some of the older antivirus software I used to use.


I can confirm the superiority of the Panda Cloud Antivirus, and also recommend the use of ActiveScan 2.0 from Panda which is a standalone internet scan to be used in conjunction with the AV software:





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  • 3 weeks later...

The winner is: Comodo Firewall&Active Defense consistently rated the #1 home and small business anti-virus solution for the last 3 years, it is definitely my pick as well, and a fantastic product.




Unique Features Include:

Application Sandbox Mode - Starts a suspect, or unverified as safe, application in a virtual sandbox. The application thinks that it is running in windows, and will behave as if it were. Any suspicious activity caught in the execution of unverified applications are voiced and a choice is given to run the application out of safe mode at the next start, or remove it if malicious.


Hitman PRO is my auxiliary tool. If nothing else can kill it, either this, or my next program definitely can. Both require a little knowledge, wisdom and expertise to use. They are not completely automatic and inherently harmless like an Anti-Virus program usually is, you can delete system files, and registry entries with these tools and destroy your installation of windows. Be careful please.




HiJackThis - This tool examines system directories, user directories, profiles, and registry entries for changes from their defaults. If you are knowledgeable in Windows and know what the values SHOULD be, then you can identify when a program maliciously changes things to it's advantage, and remove them. Again - be careful, when you run a scan 75-100% of the things on the list will be harmless and just a normal part of your computers day.




Edit - If you feel uncomfortable about deleting entries in HiJackThis and you feel that you have a major computer bug, make a thread with the log output copy/pasted from HJT and I can probably identify if anything is wrong in it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Don't use antiviruses. Have no problem.



Yea, it is amazing how much you don't need antivirus or firewalls when you don't go to porn sites or download porn. Also only going to sites you actually know helps out a lot. But no porn isn't an option for most, in my experience avast works rather well. Also the typical windows antivirus and windows firewall tend to work wonders as well. Not that the average virus can do anything that a system restore can't undo anyways. Yes I realize there are exceptions but that is where windows commander comes in. Always keep a copy and you can laugh as 90% of all windows problems are solved in the 15 minutes it takes commander to do it's job. Also, keeping your windows updated tends prevent most viruses from having any effect at all.

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