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Jedi Phoenix

Star Wars: The Old Republic Pre-Order


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So... Yeah, I ended up pre-ordering, and I don't regret it one bit. While it is kind of buggy, it is incredibly fun to play. You can not only play it with friends, but it's pretty good alone as well, since class quests can be so incredibly easy to do.


The only thing you do need a group with is certain heroics, flashpoints and raids (obviously).

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Yeah, that's not exactly game breaking. The bugs I've found that can potentially be game breaking are:


- Getting stuck in the mounted animation when you get shot off your speeder (you have to type /stuck to fix it, can be annoying if you're new to the game)

- Getting booted out of a battleground for not leaving the safezone when you can't actually leave the safe zone


Others have been random crashes and memory leaks.

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