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Jedi Phoenix

New Aspects to JP


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Hey guys,


Just thought I'd give you a heads up on some new aspects that have managed to find its way onto JP Headquarters and/or are well on their way.


Social Networking


First and foremost; we have gone all Social Media and stuff. We are now on a couple of the most popular Social Networking sites, Twitter, Facebook and YouTube.


Twitter: We found that this will be a good and faster way to deliver updates straight from the source and announce future events and upcoming tournaments.


Facebook: A great way to distribute media from user submitted screenshots to our very own video projects.


YouTube: All and any HD videos we make will be uploaded here waiting to be distributed to all of the Social Networking sites.


Steam: If you're a PC gamer then you're be happy to join our group. We'll announce playdates and any other events we hold.


Community Events


We like to do fun stuff too! Increasing our events will increase happy time by connecting you guys closer to JP.


Live Podcast: This will be a either a weekly or bi-weekly show where 2 JP members get together and discuss gaming, projects and have guests come on the show.


Live Stream: An area on our forums where you can see a live stream of our server and on occasion watch the latest games being streamed.


Movie Night: An event where we can get together, eat popcorn and chat while we laugh our asses off.


Site Updates


The more the merrier.


Chatbox: If you haven't notice yet, we now have a chatbox at the top of our forums. Go chat away!


Awards: These will be given out on different occasions. Some can be earned by attending an event while others are a secret and fun way to get.


We are always looking for new ways to expand and greater the community. If you have any ideas or suggestions, by all means post that here. At the bottom you can find all the links that will take you to each of the Social Networking sites.




Twitter | Facebook | YouTube | Steam Group | Live Streams (inc. podcast & movie nights)

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