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Jedi Phoenix

If you could go back in time to a specific time period, what would it be?


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can i travel more then one time? or just one? cause i would go back in time to 4 diferent places.

1- i like to go to when i was a kid and shout loud on young don´s ear "dont go to art school you freak, be a lawyer or something"

2- back to 1958, liverpool, murder george harrison and be the beatles guitarist

3- also go to 14 dicember 2008 and throw a boot on bush face when the other guy failed

4- go to 27/2/2010 at 2 in the morning and alert all people in chile to wake up and be prepare to earthquake

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can i travel more then one time? or just one? cause i would go back in time to 4 diferent places.

1- i like to go to when i was a kid and shout loud on young don´s ear "dont go to art school you freak, be a lawyer or something"

2- back to 1958, liverpool, murder george harrison and be the beatles guitarist

3- also go to 14 dicember 2008 and throw a boot on bush face when the other guy failed

4- go to 27/2/2010 at 2 in the morning and alert all people in chile to wake up and be prepare to earthquake

1- I'd tell high school Kyoraku to take the scholarship to Notre Dame and deal with the loans to pay for the excess tuition because you'll take them out anywhere else eventually. (Word to all you high schoolers... If you get a scholarship, even a lousy $3000 one... Take it!)

2-Leave the Beatles be Don. They were awesome. And you never know how you would look with their hair and outfit. Not to mention you are not british are you?

3-Go further back and stop him from becoming President in the first place by using a shotgun to the face. LOL

4-I might warn Japan about the tsunami too.

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I would feel compelled to bring a silenced, decent caliber sniper rifle into the past, and assassinate people with it. Hopefully in the odd chance you could start a myth about demons and how they blow your skin up with chunks of hot metal. Then come back to the present and let conspiracy theorists argue about how it could be possible that bullets were used before guns existed. Also I would totally try to have sex with the Virgin Mary, possibly with some sort of roofie. Then my sperm would become what would have been Jesus. Get her to name it "Vaan" maybe.

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I would go back to when C3PO and R2D2 were in that escape pod and silence the guy who said "Hold your fire." Then come back to the present day and watch the consequent brutal film about the Empire's destruction of the Rebellion, and Luke growing up to be a moisture farmer.


I know I already took a turn, but it needed to be said.

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I would definitely go back and suggest to my dad to chip in a few dollars of some little known company "Microsoft"'s stock....


maybe then I coulda had those damn Air Jordans I wanted when I was a kid in High School...

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