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Jedi Phoenix



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I want one :(


I just hope it doesn't become a dump of recycled Nintendo titles and sequels for a new technology, like the Wii and NDS did.























































































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Lol well when people say the 3d is a gimmick i think that they mean it doesn't work lol. but it has some pretty awesome features i thought the built in software was super fun. i caught my self playing it for like 5 hours at a time lol not even realizing it. and when i play Street fighter IV it feels like a beefed computer it plays so smoothly, my circle pad just is too jumpy lol. i find myself switching between the d-pad and circle pad when i'm playin online. The 3d camera is very fun to play with honestly, and they will be bringing stuff like interwebs and netflix to the 3DS in late may which i'm very excited for, but no only that the port of LoZ OoC with revamped graphics and they also threw in Master quest! Excited panda. The day i buy it you guys won't hear from me in like 20-40 hours lol. and my eyes will be virtually gone lol.

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Its price kicks around 300 bucks here in Europecountry, but I'll still save some for it. And I'd rather pay that much for this one, than 400 for the new PSP, which has only an additional analog, a trackpad, touchscreen (so after a good case of jerking off you can leave marks on Lara Croft and her colleagues :wink: - or basically any type of dirt your hands have on them) and sixaxis (the only cool thing about it).

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