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Jedi Phoenix

drive by's with a supersoaker


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Who cares? its just water. People who rage over getting sprayed with water make me laugh.


Yeah, I'd be a totally laugh-inducing person who didn't get a job because got to the audition in a soaked suit. Maybe you'd laugh your ass off, but if i'd meet you again after that, I'd totally beat the living crap out of you.

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Who cares? its just water. People who rage over getting sprayed with water make me laugh.


So a family member is in hospital. I keep my phone on me in case I'm called for any news regarding the situation. Your water breaks my phone. Family member could be dead for all I know. That's hilarious.


People like the people in this car are the ones who are so narrow minded that they assume people don't have situations in their lives to attend to, that a simple water soaking can affect a life or death matter elsewhere.

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hehehhe, seeing this video and the butthurt people going against it....i gotta say, i worked plenty of shitty jobs (yes including fast food) and as a guy who literary worked the fast food windows....dont speak for me if you're butt hurt about what they did, it's a funny video....GG.




EDIT: ............ P.S.: Get a sense of humor........

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hehehhe, seeing this video and the butthurt people going against it....i gotta say, i worked plenty of shitty jobs (yes including fast food) and as a guy who literary worked the fast food windows....dont speak for me if you're butt hurt about what they did, it's a funny video....GG.




EDIT: ............ P.S.:     Get a sense of humor........


I doubt anyone is butthurt about it, since I doubt anyone experienced a prank like this (I didn't for sure), it's just that, well, not fucking funny? I mean doing annoying things like they do in Jackass or Rémi Gaillard and his likes do is still annoying and in the same cathegory, but then why do I laugh at those and don't even smile at this? Because it's friggin lame, maybe? Your phrase about senses of humor goes right back at you.


Also those guys a few years ago thought it would be funny to direct the air compressor at the other guy's ass. Yeah it was funny, he just died because of it. There's difference between funny pranks and careless teenage brainfarts that cause a shitstorm, and it has nothing to do with shitty jobs.



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I doubt anyone is butthurt about it, since I doubt anyone experienced a prank like this (I didn't for sure), it's just that, well, not fucking funny? I mean doing annoying things like they do in Jackass or Rémi Gaillard and his likes do is still annoying and in the same cathegory, but then why do I laugh at those and don't even smile at this? Because it's friggin lame, maybe? Your phrase about senses of humor goes right back at you.


Also those guys a few years ago thought it would be funny to direct the air compressor at the other guy's ass. Yeah it was funny, he just died because of it. There's difference between funny pranks and careless teenage brainfarts that cause a shitstorm, and it has nothing to do with shitty jobs.




what the fuck....compressor in other guys's ass...i dont even....'da fuck....


anyways by me saying ''get a sense of humor''

I mean, even if you dont find it funny, dont be such a stiff about it when other's do find it funny.


I'm not gonna lower myself and tell people what they should and should Not find funny, it's up to you.


I'm also not going to categorize something I dont find funny as immature (teenage brain-whatever you said) or ''lame'' because I dont agree with it.



but then why do I laugh at those and don't even smile at this? Because it's friggin lame, maybe? Your phrase about senses of humor goes right back at you

A sense of humor is simply finding humor in certain things. Some people's sense of humor will make them laugh at this. Others will not find it funny and ignore it.

However when people lose their sense of humor, they turn to indignation. They start saying how the other guy is immature and should get a ''real sense of humor''. People start talking about scenarios like some...guy losing a good job because he got wet before an intwerview....or people like...dying with compressed gas in their asses....when it was just a supersoaker prank...


In this board people will always post videos that aren't funny to others. You have done it, I have done it, many have......However unlike those other videos where people either ignore it, or if they like it, proceed to comment on it, this video really did ''butthurt'' people. Some people responded not only with negativity but also with an offended over- tone in their comments to this video (not just here but also on youtube comments).


I'm sorry sir, but we both have a sense of humor, sorry if ours makes you cringe a little bit....we will keep enjoying it, you can call my sense of humor, immature if you want, if thats dosent work, call it tasteless and not-funny, hey if that dosen't work, you can come up with a customized reason as to why.

At the end of the day all that matters is that we all keep smiling and lol'ing :) ..... and you know I love you J-D, I mean it bro.

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And yet you two were the ones who said "get a sense of humour" thereby telling us what we should and shouldn't find funny, whereas all we did was say we didn't find it funny.


really? then why did most anti-comments against the super soaker vid....were like this: ?



[ 1 in a million scenario coming up....]


So a family member is in hospital. I keep my phone on me in case I'm called for any news regarding the situation. Your water breaks my phone. Family member could be dead for all I know. That's hilarious.


People like the people in this car are the ones who are so narrow minded that they assume people don't have situations in their lives to attend to, that a simple water soaking can affect a life or death matter elsewhere.


I dont see a disagreement with the comedic content much there buddy, about how funny or Not the video was.


I see indignation towards the supposed consequences of the prank itself. ...It's not a big deal dude, get a sense of humour /humor.


Is it a big deal to admit you guys overreacted over a SuperSoaker vid? i mean if you look back at the earlier posts (like the one i quoted) it's not just about finding it not-funny....there was indignation...aka overreaction over some teens doing a super soaker video....it wasn't just a ''haha...not funny'' situation, people felt offended over something childish and just plain funny....

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I still fail to see where I told you what to do with your sense of humour? Again, like I said, I simply said I don't find it funny and why.


And as that comment was in response to clare's inconsideration for why people would get angry, NOT at the sense of humour itself (infact you yourself said it's not to do with the comedic content) so I fail to see how you can use that as an appropiate comment?

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I still fail to see where I told you what to do with your sense of humour? Again, like I said, I simply said I don't find it funny and why.


And as that comment was in response to clare's inconsideration for why people would get angry, NOT at the sense of humour itself (infact you yourself said it's not to do with the comedic content) so I fail to see how you can use that as an appropiate comment?






Above the law. get it?

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