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Jedi Phoenix

Devil May Cry 5


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Ok there has been tons and tons of bashing on Ninja Theory [developers of Heavenly sword and Enslaved odyssey to the west] for working on the new DMC game


they have changed Dante's look completely..... [he looks like a EMO teen with a mild drug addiction, even his white hair is gone]

and have given the series a punk rock look.


This DMC seems to be an origin story of dante [i think]

or a reboot of the series [please god dont let it be that]


or Like the MGS games where not all of them starred the same characters and were spin offs [Metal Gear Acid + MGA 2]


in any case its too early to tell from the trailer, im willing to give it a chance.......but they better have the dante we know and love as a DLC skin.....or something....:(


so what are your thoughts on it?


ive posted the trailer down below.

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The first and only DMC I've played is DMC4, and tbh I liked Nero a lot better than Dante. Dante was sort of a filler character in DMC4, most of the story revolved around Nero. Also, Dante was a massive dick about everything. Dante as an emo teen sounds like a recipe for world's biggest douche.

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The first and only DMC I've played is DMC4, and tbh I liked Nero a lot better than Dante. Dante was sort of a filler character in DMC4, most of the story revolved around Nero. Also, Dante was a massive dick about everything. Dante as an emo teen sounds like a recipe for world's biggest douche.

Don't even see how this is possible lmao. I only played 4 but I've seen DMC3 played/cutscenes, Dante is better than Nero honestly, he's meant to be an arrogant kind of character as he's a badass (and way cooler) also he had way more in the way of combat whereas Nero was kinda repetitive to use.


I really do hope this new game is good though.

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