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Jedi Phoenix

Ages of when you started to play JA


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Hey there for anyone who wants to post the age you started to play JA on here and how many years you did and if you took any breaks. This i think is a good way to know why people might be better then others or not better. even though JP is not a skills clan its just to let people know is all


I started this game around my birthday so im guessing so bout 5 months plus a week

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The amount of time doesn't really effect your skill level in the game. I've been playing since the beginning of JK2 (March 28, 2002), and I'm not all that good. I took my longest break, coming back a few months ago. I was gone for a good three years. So in 2002, I was about 14, I'll be 22 on thursday. Definitely my longest running game, still have all the original discs.

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well im 19 now nearly 20, so I must have started around about 5 years ago by this point... 2005 sounds about right to me, if not 2004... so yeah somewhere between 5-6 years...

though i did stop playing for ages, and only recently started playing again (around march)

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Well, I started on JK2 multiplayer shortly before the release of the 1.3 patch. I had DFII before that, but never had an internet connection to play online with. I stuck with JK2 for a long while, until I got sick of how horrible and unbalanced the gameplay was on 1.4. I decided to get JKA to see if it was any better, and here I am. Just recently started playing this game again after a very long break.

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