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Jedi Phoenix

Star Wars

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I do wonder, obviously we all love Star Wars else we would not be playing Jedi Academy in the first place...


But I do wonder, what is the biggest thing that attracts you to Star Wars, or the biggest thing in your mind when you think of it, that one thing that you think you truely love above everything else to do with it? Is it the characters, the different places, the force, the sith and jedi, empire and rebellion, the music, the whole concept and creativity, just lightsabers, the whole possibilities behind it....


It may even be something really small, or something really generalized.


I'm just curious to see what people love so much about Star Wars, as I know with something like Star Wars it could be a many thing that attracts you to it, it's wondering what always sticks in your head so much...


To be honest, for me it's the music, the score of Star Wars is just insanely brilliant, and I cannot think of Star Wars without thinking of the music, any part of it. I cannot imagine a lightsaber whizzing through the air without Duel Of The Fates playing in my head also, or imagine the worlds without some epic score behind it...


So, thoughts people?

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very ncie question Theos well what attracts me is jsut that its Si-Fy. The lightsaber Fx are amazing. The Force is the best imagine having a power in real life that could do what the Force can.


But I agree with Theos the Music is finaminal. That music everytime i hear it brings me into a sort of a fantasy world where I am a Jedi.


But yes that is why i like Star Wars

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To be honest, for me it's the music, the score of Star Wars is just insanely brilliant, and I cannot think of Star Wars without thinking of the music, any part of it. I cannot imagine a lightsaber whizzing through the air without Duel Of The Fates playing in my head also, or imagine the worlds without some epic score behind it...

Dude seriously, i love you and all but, get the fuck out of my head. :D


Yes, I completely agree with you, the music is amazing and I love it dearly. But its not just the music that attracts me to Star Wars, it is the lightsabers as well because, lets face it, what's star wars without lightsabers (it'd be just some shitty space soap opera). So yea, its a combination of those things.


Oh, and to be honest, I really love the archetypes that George put into the films and the way that the films progress, you know like 4,5,6 then 1,2,3.

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I love the story, the sci-fi, the characters, Yoda, it's genius, the music, they life style in the movie, and wondering if our exhistance will ever be remotly like that, not saying with the force and shit but, intertwining with other alien species and inhabiting other planets and such

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First of all plot. Its great and classic. Evil vs good. Then action with those great battles with blasters and lightsabers. Thing that we dont have(maybe someone have) - force. Um to write what i like in SW series it will require many time. Another words respect to Mr.Lucas.

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