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Jedi Phoenix

SW The Force Unleashed 2 + others


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force unleashed 2 trailer did look shit hot


dead space 2 trailer was lacking... only used one weapon, and whoever was playing wasnt much good, however it still holds promise to me...


socom 4 looks shit hot too.


and grand turismo 5... i swear driving games look better every time =D

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out of all those...i am only looking forward to GT5


as for SWFU2...the plot bugs me out, is it even canon, and they did that thing where the main character was killed off in the last one but now is brought back through cloning...that sort of makes his death meaningless.

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I'm still waiting for a new JK. It's what the people want goddomit!


Also, the official announcement that GT5 is going to come out for reals this time makes me less sad I sold my 360 and Forza... I miss my Forza :(

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I'm still waiting for a new JK. It's what the people want goddomit!


Also, the official announcement that GT5 is going to come out for reals this time makes me less sad I sold my 360 and Forza... I miss my Forza :(


Why in the blue hell would you sell Forza? o,,o!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I'm kind of mad about TFU2, as they did indeed pull the whole "Oh wait, he's not REALLY dead, so we can make more money on his character!" thing, which is incredibly lame. I did like TFU when it finally came out for PC, though, so provided they really do release this on PC I'll buy it. I'm really too much of a hopeless SW nerd not to, anyway.


I'm hoping they (A.) make the item selection a lot more precise, and (B.) add more depth to the saber combat.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm gonna have to wear a condom if I watch that Force Unleashed Trailer again.




lol, classy.


I'm looking forward to TFU2. I liked the first, I mean the camera was a bit glitchy at times and the lock on was buggy as well, but I'm really hoping TFU2 fixes that. I'm also looking forward to Portal 2, and half-life 2 - Ep. 3 (just wish that Valve would actually give us a release date for the next HL game). A new Dark Forces / JK game would be on the top of my list for wanted games, but the series never did that well on consoles, and lucasarts has been slowly trying to drop PC as a platform. Hopefully that stance is changing as TFU was released on PC (as a shitty port job, but at least they did it) and TFU2 will launch on PC alongside the consoles.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I still can't get over how bad TFU was... Everything made it look like JA on steroids and instead we got that... gooey, draggy, boring mess. Unless the sequel takes hints from the massively successful sabering games Lucasarts has already put out, I won't give a damn about it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

To me TFU was great only for some versions like PC, PS3, or XBOX 360 others were semi good while DS and IPhone versions sucked. but TFUII does have interesting plot even if he died in first. But all those other clones Vader has of him shows Vaders obsessed with having a Ultimate Apprentice. Also very true with the JK they need a new one like how bout continuing off the darkside ending of JA

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  • 4 weeks later...
I'm hoping they (A.) make the item selection a lot more precise, and (B.) add more depth to the saber combat.


I'm hoping they'll add ANY depth to the saber combat. There's no denying that the saber in TFU was a mindless hack and slash fest.


Also very true with the JK they need a new one like how bout continuing off the darkside ending of JA


As much as I would love to see a game where you play as Kyle and have to try to take down evil Jaden, I'm afraid it would contradict the story that was already established in the New Jedi Order books. Still, a new JK game would be the best thing ever as long as they didn't fuck it up somehow.


See, my favorite thing about the JK series has always been the sheer amount of variety in the gameplay. In DFII you had guns, force powers, a little bit of equipment, and the broomstick (sorry, lightsaber). In JK2 you had guns, force, much more interesting saber combat, some neat equipment, and vehicles. Then in JKA you have guns, force, equipment, 3 different sabers, all fucking kinds of vehicles (Rancor mount <3), jetpacks, space combat, it's just ridiculous. There is just so much stuff to do in these games, that TFU seems really limited by comparison.

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Well SWTFU2 showed us really AWESOME cinematic but how about gameplay?

I have seen gameplay of the game it looks really great all they got is like a 30 second gameplay footage of the first level which is the cloned Starkiller breaking out of the cloning facility on Kamino


In other news I have found another trailer for TFU II it gives his subject name where it shows the cloned Starkiller remembering the past life bout the real one there is also if u can find em diffrent scenes from the game but I am not goin to post em all up cause theres bout 12 of em i think


Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hhnzIQYWu7g&feature=related

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