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Jedi Phoenix

creepy shit

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found these on /x/ (paranormal) on 4chan


pretty fucking cool






anyone got any other creepy images/stories?

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creepy =\ i find stories much more chilling than films.

i need to find some creepy stories now...


Yeah, stories can be much scarier than any movie out there because of your mind. Your mind can conjure up images that are much more horrifying than anything you can see in a movie theater.


Also, learned this on /x/. Google search "hunt bear". Click the first thumbnail. Compare the thumbnail with the original picture. What the bloody fuck?

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maybe because my imagination has been fried due to over drug use and falling off houses.. but the only thing that sent minor shivers down my spin is the fact in the first one, She was staring right back at him through the key hole...

Just the idea of that being an eye of a creepy old white women is...*shudder*

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Yeah, stories can be much scarier than any movie out there because of your mind. Your mind can conjure up images that are much more horrifying than anything you can see in a movie theater.


Also, learned this on /x/. Google search "hunt bear". Click the first thumbnail. Compare the thumbnail with the original picture. What the bloody fuck?

well i may just need to lrn2google but i didnt notice anything i tried both web and images


but anyway, yea i like /x/ for this reason, its good to see good creepy pasta but most of /x/'s thread are /b/ garbage :/

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Yeah, stories can be much scarier than any movie out there because of your mind. Your mind can conjure up images that are much more horrifying than anything you can see in a movie theater.


Also, learned this on /x/. Google search "hunt bear". Click the first thumbnail. Compare the thumbnail with the original picture. What the bloody fuck?


I looked at that bear thing for a minute, and even my girlfriend could spot the photoshop job. See if you can, there's one obvious fuck up the guy left on it.

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I looked at that bear thing for a minute, and even my girlfriend could spot the photoshop job. See if you can, there's one obvious fuck up the guy left on it.


Interesting though. I dont see why anyone would want to photoshop some other dude in there with 'em? Unless they have some creepy, homoerotic obsession. >.>

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well i may just need to lrn2google but i didnt notice anything i tried both web and images


but anyway, yea i like /x/ for this reason, its good to see good creepy pasta but most of /x/'s thread are /b/ garbage :/


I looked at that bear thing for a minute, and even my girlfriend could spot the photoshop job. See if you can, there's one obvious fuck up the guy left on it.

yep i just saw the guy photoshop'd in... i must need new glasses or something x.x

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That i some lost childhood memories you awoke right there. It was on of (if not) my absolute favourite's, when me and my family lived in Transylvania in the nineties. Never seen the video or can't remember it. And now watching it again, both the video and music is waaaaaaay cheesy, but i still love it, can't tell you why though. Now if you'll excuse me, i'm off to watch Plan 9 from Planet B.

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  • 2 weeks later...

BMUPping this cause i feel /x/ again. Here's the ghost video follow-ups, including the aforementioned attic one by Goth:




And the scariest of the series:




And since there's never enough of ghost videos that are supposed to be real, here's one that is quite a feasible one, listen closely:




Look at this picture for some time and it'll change. Worked for me, forget about that shit story the video tells you though, it's fake of course:




...and a little stop motion hell to the end, enjoy:



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got nothing from the picture one, tryed every technique i know that might cause it to change, altering focal points, slight blur of vision, straight staring, peripheral and united vision. still nothing.



That's weird. It works for me pretty good. Even a few seconds into it, the face slightly changes, and then a minute or so into it, it even changes the face expression (like sad and surprised and even scared). Must be because my eyes are weak like shit, let alone this picture is all blurry in general.

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