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Jedi Phoenix

Hey Punks


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Well you see, the time it takes for someone to reply speaks for itself. Some of us are playing CS:GO, others are playing LoL, sometimes you will see sole JP's roaming on JA servers but that's a really rare thing to see nowadays. I for myself am deep into 3D-Modeling and some C# programming here and there. I've been working on a low-poly Imperial Lambda-Class Shuttle with a Polygon cap of 8,000 as seen here or here. My internship begins on Tuesday and I will have plenty of time to spare. I'm planning to work on some sort of space-strategy game like Empire at War, as models in those kind of games don't necessarily recquire a lot of detail. I didn't really like the concept of it but i can't really think of something interesting either. Finding unique ship designs without getting yelled at:"That's totally a star destroyer."  isn't too easy either. I'm always open for suggestions though.

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That is awesome to hear dude! I could never get into programming, that is just me though. I have been going to college for a computer science degree. I have not got exactly what I am looking for but I am hoping in time I will have it figured out in what I like. Otherwise then that man, I have been playing a lot of CS:GO and League. Mixed with other games. So If any of you guys are down to play, feel free to add me on steam or league. I play garrys mod also from time to time! 

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Haha you're not into programming and you're studying computer science? Good luck. My housemates all do computer science and despite any individual choices such as games design they have to do mandatory programming until third year. There have been month long periods I don't see them because they wake up, go to the labs and stay there all day just to get one programming task half completed. While I just sit at home spending maybe a few hours a week doing work and playing video games the rest... Such a hard life >_


Personally for me I've been on CS:GO a lot and chilling on a few other games here and there. I should play GMod more often tbh. Oh and lurking these forums multiple times a day, in case anyone does say anything.

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The gaming life is a hard life! But I know right! Weird that I do not like programming but I am pursuing computer science. I love playing CS:GO but I am so bad at it! I have not even tried competitive yet. I am too scared! We should play sometime though Theos! Oh and Psych!!!! :D hey.  

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csgo is all about recoil control and game sense. you will eventually learn how to control your recoil after countless deathmatch games but you will never get the game sense down without playing competetive. just like JKA, you will need practise to get to some level of skill. trying to spray down your enemy holding down your left mouse button has about as much of an effect as trying to rdfa any avarage jedi knight player. you sometimes catch them but it's more a question of luck than anything else. dont be afraid to play competetive. there's nothing you can lose, you can only win. ignore the fucktards who yell at their teammates and cooperate with those who don't. watch some live replays, stick to the basic maps like de_dust2 or de_inferno and get to known to them. you can also make your own offline game without bots and just explore different spots. watching some live replays may help aswell.

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Some games I do good and other games I do not do too hot. It is on and off for me. But I will competitive a try! I am sure it will be more fun if I had a team to play with so hopefully I can find people to play with. But yeah cs:go seems very recoil reliant! I wish I could be just as good with the ak like some other people, with their long shot head shots. It is crazy sometimes. I am assuming that you play Dark? Do you play competitive? 

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yeah i'm a master guardian elite, slightly leaning towards distinguished master guardian. i haven't played in at least 3 weeks now though but i'm definitely looking forward to get going once again. I mostly play competetive matches and take a few breaks in between mowing down people with the negev in deathmatches.

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It's a-ok. nothing too fancy. once you are past master guardian I you will mostly face raging assholes who keep shouting at you via voice chat. it's rediculous at times. but anyway. do you play any other games? even if they're singleplayer i'd like to hear what exactly you're up to right now. actually just add sh4d0wstr1k3 via steam so we can update each other a little

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I play league. I have recently gotten kingdoms of amalur. I like it a lot. I have left for dead 2. Spelunky. I play some hearthstone from time to time.  I have a whole lot of games on steam. I can not play a whole bunch of them as I need a new computer but I can play the ones I like. 

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  • 3 weeks later...


I certainly hope this isn't considered gravedigging lol.


I haven't really played much JKA in a year or two...tried getting back into it for a while, but then life dragged me back in. It sucks how inactive the site and server have got..But hey, I guess that's what happens when a game's a decade old. :/


I've been playing FFXIV recently, along with a couple other games here and there. Can't do much on my PC as it's a potato as far as my GPU goes, and then not much on my PS3 as I don't have the money to go out and buy new games haha.


Nice to see that some of you chaps still check the site from time to time.

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