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Jedi Phoenix

D3 Projects Thread


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This will be the place where I am going to put all my upcoming projects.

As of now, all I have is the first game that I had to develope within 3 weeks.


You can get it here:










Criticism is highly appreciated.


If you want to take a look onto the coding part, hit me up on xfire or steam.


This game was never laid out to be fun when I started programming it. I neither had the time to properly plan features of any kind nor do major testing using trial and error methods. I had a schedule and I had to keep to it, else I would have failed the course.


There is a total of 100 points of which 80 are Basic Points and max. 20 of 40 possible are Additional Points.


The list of conditions looks like this:


Minimal Requirements: (No points given here. If one of these conditions is not met, you fail the course)

  • Min. 1 Minute playtime if the path is well-known
  • Free movement within a 2D-Labyrinth
  • Map Scrolling
  • Possibility to win and lose
  • Controls Screen has to be accessable throughout the entire game
  • Equipment for at least: 2x Hands, 1x Feet, 1x Lower Body, 1x Upper Body, 1x Head
  • Comprehensible Code-Commentation

Generic Features: (Total of 17 Points)

  • Splash Screen (2 Points) - done
  • Main Menu (3 Points) - done
  • Credits Screen (3 Points) - done
  • Game Over Screen (2 Points) - done
  • Pause-menu (3 Points) - done
  • Savegames (4 Points) - done

Gameplay: (Total of 26 Points)

  • In-Game Score readout (2 Points) - done
  • In-game Health/Life readout (2 Points) - done
  • Fog of War (2 Points) - done
  • Randomly placed supplementary Enemies and Items (4 Points) - done.
  • Animations (2 Points) - done
  • At least two Weapon Types (4 Points) - done
  • At least one Item per Equipment-Slot (6 Points) - done
  • Locked Doors + usage of keys to open them (4 Points) - done

Enemies: (Total of 16 Points)

  • At least 2 Enemies including their health and strength readouts (6 Points) - done
  • Real-Time or Round-Based attack cycles (3 Points) - done
  • Battlesounds (2 Points) - done
  • Enemies follow the player using A* or Dijkstra Pathfinding Algorithms (5 Points) - not implemented

Code-Quality: (Total of 21 Points)

  • Automatically generated Doxygen Documentation (3 Points) - done
  • Exception Handling outside the Game Loop (3 Points) - done
  • Exception Handling within the Game Loop (3 Points) - done
  • Feature-based Modularization (3 Points) - done
  • No Memory Leaks (3 Points) - done
  • Code compiles without Warnings at Warning Level 3 (3 Points) - done
  • Clean the Project of unnecessary Files or Dirs (1 Points) - done
  • Implement Application-Icons and Properties (2 Points) - done

Additional Features: (Total of 40 points here, but you get max. 20 points)

  • Introsequence (4 Points) - done
  • Multiple large Maps (5 Points) - done
  • Randomly generated Maps including Roomstructures, Items and Enemies (10 Points) - not implemented
  • Change the Outfits of the Player corresponding to the Equipment/Clothing (4 Points) - done
  • Permanent readout of the Inventory, Equipment, Gametitle/Logo (3 Points) - done
  • Dialogues and Hints that fit into the overall scheme of the UI (4 Points) - done
  • Leveling-System with at least 3 Stages (3 Points) - done
  • Complex Leveling System with on-the-fly readout of the Skill Tree (7 Points) - done


Current standing: 95 of 100 possible points.

This project is due on April, 9th 2013 12:00am GMT +1


That's it for now,


UPDATE: The final version is now available.

Project Status: Completed

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I've came up with another game idea. This isn't for uni so I have very little time to spend on this.


The current working title is "Citizen of Hellas".

My idea is to create an RPG within a highly dynamic world. As the name suggests, the setting will be the ancient greek times. However, there wont be any giant-ass gods trying to kill you or magic/superpowers of any kind. Just imagine it as Mount&Blade, combined with Skyrim and The Sims.


So what's special about it? This is going to be an ultra detailed simulation.

Each city has citizen. Those citizen have needs, like Food, Water, Sleep, etc. But the incredible thing will be, that the citizen will act depending on those needs on their own. That means, when a citizen feels like he's hungry, he will try to buy something to eat from a stall in his proximity. If he has no job to earn money in order to buy food, he will steal said goods. Thus increasing the overall crimerate and the need for protection.


Ofcourse, all those things require an epic time to plan. I can't just go ahead and make the whole thing without any form of software engineering. Furthermore, I will require a team once I get to that point where I think that I can actually start making something out of it.


I made a Prototype, showing off  elementary attributes and needs of those citizen. For now they can't do anything to fulfill their needs.


You can download the Prototype from here: http://www.mediafire.com/?igswlqrbi8bosnr


All you will see is the Population count, how many males/females there are and the avarage age (Max. Age at spawn is 60 for now).

I haven't added GUI elements for their needs yet but they are being calculated in the background.


  • Click and Drag to control the viewing angle
  • Use the Mousewheel to control the level of zoom
  • Click on a "Citizen" to select it and view its personal data
  • Hit Escape to exit the application

The max. Population Count I have achieved before it started to get slow was around 1500 cubes. I'd like to know which amount you can reach and how your framerate looks like.







Update 5/21/13: http://www.mediafire.com/?y49d77nfnt3obo0

You can now navigate using WASD for movement and Q and E to rotate the cam. You can still use the mousewheel to zoom in.


Click on a citizen to follow it. Click the "Next" Button in the bottom right to change to the next citizen. For now, you cannot leave the "following" state. Have fun :D (I laughed my ass off when i saw the game on fantastic graphics settings :faec: )


Eeeehhh.... Looks like the Escape button is broken :c You'll have to kill the process cause alt+f4 crashes it :D

Also: The super speed is caused by "Fullscreen" not graphic settings <.>


Update 6/26/13: http://www.mediafire.com/?7hy5eaj73gfdrs6

I've added some more information and limited the popcount to 25 within this build.


You can now quit the game again by hitting the escape key :)

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I've got results for a relatively high-end machine; I'm aware that you probably want to check how it runs on slower ones, but a bit've extra data can't hurt.


First test:

1920x1080, "Fantastic" graphics.

Jumping around at 40-60 for most of the start, didn't drop below 40 FPS until around 1600, and rapidly dropped to 3 FPS at around the 2050 mark.


Second test:

1920x1080, "Good" graphics.

Jumping around at 40-120 for most of the start, didn't drop below 40 FPS until 1700, and once again was down at 3 FPS by 2050 population.


Both times around 20 "citizens" were clicked throughout, and the time came to around 230s (slightly shorter the second time).



And yes, the scientist inside me is screaming at me for not doing more tests, but I've got an exam today, so I'm a little busy :p

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That is awesome!


Thank you for this and best of luck with your exam :3 We should definetly get together sometime again and have a talk!


I have also tested it on my laptop (dual core ~2ghz) and reached only 1k units before my fps were dropping.

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Okay my first test was done at 1920x1080 at fantastic graphics - stayed pretty much at 60fps until around 1400.... then it randomly jumped up to 100 fps until about 1550. Then it sharply fell to 40 at 1600, fell to 10 at 1800 and then dropped to 3 just before 1900.


Second test was the other extreme side of things, 640x480 at fastest graphics - Started at 1100 fps, and then by 1600 did exactly the same thing fps wise.

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Test #1: 2560 x 1440 Resolution, windowed, maxed graphics. - Maintained a stable 60 FPS full through until around 1000, small climb to about 75 FPS and then spontaneously plummeted to about 10 FPS at 1400.


Test #2: 1920 x 1080 Resolution, windowed, maxed graphics. - Results mirrored the above within reasonable margins.


Test #3: 1024 x 768 Resolution, windowed, maxed graphics. - Results mirrored the above within reasonable margins.


Test #4: 1920 x 1080 Resolution, fullscreen, maxed graphics. - Same as the above.


Test #5: 1920 x 1080 Resolution, fullscreen, lowest graphics - Started out with 1000 FPS, dropped by half at around 400. Dropped to 200 FPS by 900, 50 FPS by 1200, and around ~10 by 1400.


Noteworthy: Unity's CPU usage remained under ~5% until around 1000, where it started trying to use more. Once it maxed out a core is when FPS died, so between the amount of time it takes to go from 1000 to 1400 is how fast the usage climbed. However, test #5 (fastest setting) it was using full CPU core potential right from the get go.


Test #6: 1024 x 768 Resolution, windowed, 'beautiful' graphics. - I changed process affinity to use only a single core. Results didn't differ.


Test #7: 1024 x 768 Resolution, windowed, 'beautiful' graphics. - I changed the process priority to "high" for the hell of it. FPS had a noticeably sharper increase as CPU usage was climbing, and a noticeably slower fall as usage peaked.



..... I was a lil bored when I saw this.  :p

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Ok so I've made a sci-fi ingame menu for my old game idea "The Leap to Infinity". You may remember my old concept paper thread where i had to write down some basic stuff about it. I think i'll try to work somewhere into that direction but I will most likely add management-type gameplay to it (being inspired by Prison Architect, Stonehearth and Banished).


Sci-Fi Menu:



Update: 5/28/2013:



Update: 5/31/2013:

http://www.mediafire.com/?ee7zacpuxpq53ek "Some" improvements >:3


Reor! http://p3d.in/YVPBw

Reor #2: http://p3d.in/eXT9m+wireonclean

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Another game made within 4 weeks:




File Size: 16.7MB



  • W + D or Arrow Left/Right to move
  • Spacebar to jump (tap twice to perform a double jump)

Player Actions:

  • Move Boxes
  • Activate Levers
  • Gather Collectables
  • Find Powerups
  • Press ESC to access the ingame menu


Recommended resolution: Fullscreen at 1024*768

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