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HowTo: Install and run Jedi Academy on Linux

Peter E.S.

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First off, I'm not sure if this is the correct section to place this HowTo in, but I didn't think Technological Tantrums & Computational Queries was right because I'm not asking a question.


 Ok, this is my guide on getting Jedi Academy to play on Linux, I will show you how to install on two different Linux Distros. The reason I'm writing this is for those people who installed Linux, but haven't been able to play one of their favorite games, Jedi Academy, on their new OS. It is actually quite simple, and is done with a program called W.I.N.E. Before you go and think this is an emulator that's really slow, wine stands for "Wine Is Not an Emulator" (clever huh?) If you want, you can read more about it at:



I've found that applications run at 90% or more if you have a half decent computer.

For specs I would recommend a minimum of a dual-core processor, at least 2gb ram, and above an NVIDIA 7000 series, or the AMD equivelant; which I'm sure all of you have.....hopefully.

 Note: This tutorial will require opening and using a terminal :shock: , but don't worry, I'll post the commands, so copy and paste away!


Note: This tutorial does require a little experience with Linux (e.g. not for complete noobs).


 1. On Ubuntu

 I figured I'd start with Ubuntu because it is the most popular Linux OS by far. So, to begin. On Ubuntu it is really easy, first open a terminal window and type in:


sudo apt-get install wine  (I'm assuming you already know how to open a terminal, if not, Google is your friend:) )


It'll ask if you want to continue (Y/n) press "y" then "Enter" And wine will install. However, this will not install the latest and greatest version, if you want that there are a few more steps.


First, you need to add the wine repository by entering in the terminal


sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-wine/ppa


Press Enter, then Enter again when it askes if you want to continue. Then type into the terminal:


sudo apt-get update  after that's done:  sudo apt-get install wine1.5


Wine sould now be installed, you can either copy over your Jedi Academy install from your Windows hard drive/partition or do a clean install. If you opt for a clean install, it should be exactly the same as installing in Windows. Insert your install disc, open the file manager, select the disc, and right-click the "setup.exe" and select "Open with: Wine Windows Program Loader" (just incase it tries to open it with "Archive Manager").


Note: When you first open wine it will ask if you want to install some programs called Wine Mono and Wine Gecko, select install for both of these. Also, you can't open Jedi Academy from the "JediAcademy.exe" because of a glitch, it will not detect the game disc, just use "jamp.exe" or "jasp.exe" and it should work fine.


 2. Arch Linux


Because Arch Linux is a rolling release operation system (e.g. it always has the newest stable software) installing the latest wine is really easy, go to a terminal and type:


sudo pacman -S wine


That's it! The rest of the process will be exactly the same as the one described above for Ubuntu.


I hope that somebody found this to be helpful and useful,


  -veni vidi vici




 The Ory'Hara has reminded me that you may need some no cd patched binaries. On winehq, they posted a link to some, so I thought I'd provide them: http://www.mediafire.com/?19u2vdo2d8r1ur1

But if you don't want to go and download those, this is also in the Jedi Academy entry on winehq:


                   Running the game from CD startup does not work.


You need to use the executable in the GameData directory.

Go to the Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy GameData directory and run jamp.exe in WINE. This opens up Jedi Academy Multiplayer. In my case, it is in /home/michael/Lucasarts/Jedi Knight Jedi Academy/GameData. You should see jamp.exe or jasp.exe... choose which you wish to play and be on your way.


Also, with the recent release of Steam on Linux and the re-release of Jedi Academy for Mac, there may just be some dedicated Linux binaries on the way ;)

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