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Couldn't find the Introduction.. >.> Introduction of Proxy :D.


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Hello guy's, here is a little bit about me and my life.

I am a 16 year old Valedictorian currently residing in the state of Georgia. I was born is Paris , France with my mother, my dad is full American... So that makes me half French haha. My name is Jenna Béringer, the name derives from my Grandmére(plus)... (My mom kept her last name) The last name Béringer is a variant of Beringer which is an old Dutch/German name. ..The Germanic Languages (also called Teutonic) are any of the languages descended from the ancient Indo_European language spoken by the Germanic tribes many many.. centuries ago. Anyways, enough about my name since you know a good about it.


My family stayed in France for around 5 years, and then I moved to Georgia, why? I have no idea; but it is a beautiful state. There isn't much snow, much cold, and it's pretty much perfect housing, roads, and very yummy restaurants, etc.  I've been on 1 week trips to Florida, and TN, and the Gulf of México. Other than that, I haven't been around to any other states at all.


I am also a huge music fan, I love making music, I play the Piano, and can play a few songs on it. I love.. shiny things, oh my god.. who doesn't? I love school, and I love school sport's teams. Now ... I bet you are you asking how the hell did a girl get this game? Well I saw it on the shelf, and I was enthused with the previous Star Wars movies, so I said.. hey why not? It was only about 15$ at the time, somewhere around there anyways, I can't remember after 8 years. So I started playing it and I liked it. I let off of it for a few years, and just recently I started playing this game again... That's pretty much how it went down.. so now I don't... really have any more to say. :>


Thanks for reading, 


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 Hi Proxy!!! I've been to Georgia and it is a beautiful state, and I've also been to some of the "yummy restaurants". I also play the Piano and enjoy it very much.

 Anyway, welcome to the forums and I hope to see you sometime on the server.


Oh really? That's absolutely amazing

. It is a very beautiful state, and I enjoy living here. The schools are great, difficult too, and yes the "yummy restaurants " are everywhere. How much can you play on the Piano? Btw, if you haven't noticed yet I put ColdPlay - Viva la Vida attached to your name since it reminds me of it. Do you think you can play that on Piano? :)


I am on the server now, and should be from 4:30 PM EST - to whatever time I feel like getting off. :) See you soon!

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 Yeah, I'm sure I could, with the right amount of practice......... I usually play classical piano only, but I am willing to try anything. Last year I learned Fantasie Impromptu, by Chopin. Here is a video of someone else playing it, I'm not as good as him, but I got pretty close to how well he played it.


 Sorry I wan't on the server. I forgot to elaborate that my "sometime" has to be on Saturday because I'm only allowed to play video games on Saturday........


  -veni vidi vici

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 Yeah, I'm sure I could, with the right amount of practice......... I usually play classical piano only, but I am willing to try anything. Last year I learned Fantasie Impromptu, by Chopin. Here is a video of someone else playing it, I'm not as good as him, but I got pretty close to how well he played it.



 Sorry I wan't on the server. I forgot to elaborate that my "sometime" has to be on Saturday because I'm only allowed to play video games on Saturday........


  -veni vidi vici


Very nice, I like classical music also; such as Für Elise, and more. That guy is pretty good, I couldn't do the same, to say the least. It is a beautiful song though. 


To onward your second comment, don't worry about it too much. I should be on a good bit on the weekends, due to me not having anything to do... :) See you then!


Welcome to the Phoenix Community.


Thank you very much Mog! It was great meeting you yesterday. Had a blast.

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Bonjour! Ca'va?


I'm from Georgia (non-Atlanta area), and I have no idea of what "yummy" restaraunts your talking about , or the beautiful part. You must be being optimistic... unless you're in Savannah, in which case I envy you. Savannah is awesome as shit.


I've also visited France (twice) during my time in the military... well Marseille anyway. Pretty nice place.


P.S.: Je ne parle francias pas :

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