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Disney purchasing Lucasarts

West Dragon

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never understood why so many people hate Episode 2-3, they were well made, lots of lightsabers which is required in a SW movies, lots of battles, script for Episode 2 could have been a little better, maybe not hire the new Anakin, but seriously..they werent bad

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Correct me if I'm wrong but Disney bought LucasFilm; not LucasArts.


Also agreed with 2 and 3, even though Anakin / Padme were just...bad... overall, but you can't really blame the actor too much, the script wasn't too great between them.


And yeah the fight scenes were great. :-) I'm hoping for a Thrawn movie!

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never understood why so many people hate Episode 2-3, they were well made, lots of lightsabers which is required in a SW movies, lots of battles, script for Episode 2 could have been a little better, maybe not hire the new Anakin, but seriously..they werent bad


Whether they are analyzed as part of an overall series or as independent stories, they were horribly written with cheesy dialogues and inconsistent potholes, especially with the huge expectation created from the successful franchise.


Correct me if I'm wrong but Disney bought LucasFilm; not LucasArts.


LucasArts is a subsidiary of LucasFilm. :o


Star Wars has always had George Lucas' signature..Disney needs to not be so greedy and trying to get their hands on everything.


Star Wars will continue to have Lucas' signature. It's pretty widespread in the business world to at least continue the leadership and management style of newly acquired companies to avoid transitional problems and artistic misinterpretation. Disney has followed this business model after the purchasing of Pixar Studios and Marvel Entertainment.

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http://massively.joy...r-4-05-billion/ LucasArts was included in the deal.


Anyways.. Disney won't have much involvement in the actual movies in the works. It's still going to be entirely LucasArt/Film. George Lucas was a terrible director, and didn't even have full involvement in the original trilogy (exception of 4) like he did 1 - 3. Episode 5 was directed by Irvin Kershner; episode 6 directed by Richard Marquand. George Lucas only had part in script writing, and even then, he wasn't alone. In comes episodes 1 - 3 where he directed all of them, and wrote everything mostly himself, and they're awful.


Who knows, maybe we will see new writers and directors thrown at LucasFilm. In which case, these will be people that grew up on Star Wars the exact same as us. They will be people that know the lore and might even have a chance to redeem the franchise from recent downfall. I'm personally hoping we'll see Joss Whedon have a part in it; who by and large, knows sci-fi. See Firefly.


The only thing Disney will be doing with it is collecting Star Wars royalty and providing a massive pool of resources. Also, you're insane if you think recent Marvel films are any sort of childish and old Disney-ish.

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I'll be damned...your right Sarah, I really didnt know Lucas didnt have alot to do with the originals. Shame on him for Episode 1, but 2-3 still werent bad, but yes there are alot better directors out there, I'd like to see a Christoper Nolan one if its possible

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I wish they would create a movie which is just like the openings of TOR. Those animated short clips are awesome. I'd love to see a whole movie in that style. They would have boundless possibilities to present force powers and choreograph the lightsaber battles.

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Massive gamble here. They are either going to ruin the entire Star Wars franchise even more or make it the best thing ever for it. I can't imagine the original cast wanting anything to do with the new projects so I don't know how they intend to continue the story properly. Lucas always said that there wasn't going to be anymore SW films but it now seems Disney's offer got the better of him. Regardless, I'm tired of all the animated and lego 'kids' Star Wars rubbish that they've come up with. Perhaps Disney is a better label for it all anyway.

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George Lucas was a terrible director




To be blunt that's a huge insult to cinema. He was an amazing and revolutionary director. He made more than just Star Wars.


THX 1138, his first movie, was revolutionary in how it was shot. American Graffiti's music direction where something was playing throughout the entire movie was a first. The original star wars saga goes without saying.


His ideas and directing were astounding in the past. He took so many ballsy risks, and did nothing thinking about the bottom line.


Sadly, today, he has given up and basically will do anything for the bottom line rather than the opposite way around. But saying he was never a good director is way too much.

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The only cause for concern is what will happen to the EU. They can either reboot, restructure or butcher it. I'm anticipating the latter.


Massive gamble here. They are either going to ruin the entire Star Wars franchise even more or make it the best thing ever for it. I can't imagine the original cast wanting anything to do with the new projects so I don't know how they intend to continue the story properly. Lucas always said that there wasn't going to be anymore SW films but it now seems Disney's offer got the better of him. Regardless, I'm tired of all the animated and lego 'kids' Star Wars rubbish that they've come up with. Perhaps Disney is a better label for it all anyway.


I don't see why the original cast wouldn't want to jump on board. For a lot of them Star Wars was all they ever had. Bigger problem is that they're too old and broken down at this point.


One of the many positives that could come out of this is JK4. If Episode 7 returns previous levels of interest to the brand, suddenly JK4 becomes a potential candidate for the reinvigorated Star Wars merchandising machine. I know Disney's approach to gaming isn't what we might like, but I don't see that lasting or really even mattering.

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To be blunt that's a huge insult to cinema. He was an amazing and revolutionary director. He made more than just Star Wars.


THX 1138, his first movie, was revolutionary in how it was shot. American Graffiti's music direction where something was playing throughout the entire movie was a first. The original star wars saga goes without saying.

I would have to watch them in order to gauge. But again, he didn't direct Episode 5 or Episode 6, and only even shared a script writing role in one of those two. Since the entire premise of this thread is Star Wars, I stuck to that. Even Indiana Jones, that was Spielberg. With Lucas helping with the overall story.


I never discredited what he has done for the industry. He was the founder of LucasFilm after all, and even THX (Sound, not movie). I discredited his (script) writing and directing talent. The man is an amazing special effects artist when he wants to be. Lets face it, Star Wars is known for its special effects. I dare say it was the main contributing factor to its huge success in its day. From what you describe of the movies you listed, all of these share a common denominator of his: Special Effects. You see his special effects shine in every movie of his. Even most recent, Red Tails, which was also terribly written/directed.


Even the Wiki article for THX 1138 leaves me to question whether or not it had the best of writing/directing. Having cost the distributors more than it made in revenue, with mixed reviews. I'll give you American Graffiti, it looks to have done a lot better, excluding production drama.

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http://massively.joy...r-4-05-billion/ LucasArts was included in the deal.


Anyways.. Disney won't have much involvement in the actual movies in the works. It's still going to be entirely LucasArt/Film. George Lucas was a terrible director, and didn't even have full involvement in the original trilogy (exception of 4) like he did 1 - 3. Episode 5 was directed by Irvin Kershner; episode 6 directed by Richard Marquand. George Lucas only had part in script writing, and even then, he wasn't alone. In comes episodes 1 - 3 where he directed all of them, and wrote everything mostly himself, and they're awful.


Who knows, maybe we will see new writers and directors thrown at LucasFilm. In which case, these will be people that grew up on Star Wars the exact same as us. They will be people that know the lore and might even have a chance to redeem the franchise from recent downfall. I'm personally hoping we'll see Joss Whedon have a part in it; who by and large, knows sci-fi. See Firefly.


The only thing Disney will be doing with it is collecting Star Wars royalty and providing a massive pool of resources. Also, you're insane if you think recent Marvel films are any sort of childish and old Disney-ish.


Gonna have to agree with Whedon, it's pretty much a trademark to Star Wars to have a good team as a "protagonist" rather than just one person or two; and Whedon has the best talent for balancing out teams and making them interesting, funny, lovable and amazing. Yes, Firefly and Serenity are really good examples, but he wrote the script for Alien: Resurrection too, and if that movie got something right, it was the team and the funny lines. Then there's Avengers, for which he was a more than sane choice, and then bam! The movie was awesome.


As for Lucas as a bad director, I gotta agree. THX 1138 was an underappreciated film in my opinion, though it's a completely different world from Star Wars. Think 1984, but more depressing and more "white". Still, it's hard to call it a masterpiece, as it doesn't show too much new stuff considering 2001: A Space Odyssey and the first 1984 movies were around for quite some time then, but I always appreciate minimalism. As for American Graffiti, I didn't see it yet so I'll shut up. Case in point, if you want directors that took ballsy and masterful moves at the time, those would be rather the David Lynch types. And yeah, he directed Episode 4. Technically. But he didn't couch the actors, he didn't do the artwork, his writing was around 80% altered because it was pure bullshit, and it was just a mashup of old, already existing sci-fi movies he loved anyway. Was it not for the amazing team behind the film, we'd look back at it as some cheesy 70's B-movie.

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