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Jedi Phoenix

Been awhile, dropping by to say heyyyyy


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Hey everyone.


Some may or may not remember me, I was "Rem" on the forums a little bit ago, and thought I'd drop on by to see how everything is going. Glad to see this clan is still going and looking good.. hopped into the server last night and it was very active, which is awesome.


Don't know if I ever openly apologized for all the bs that happened back when I was applying/[PA] within JP, but I do want to say I'm sorry and hope that all is going well for those that knew me, or knew of me.


Hope to see you guys in the JP server when I stop by, I plan on being a more frequent guest if everyone's okay with that.



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Aloha. Good to see you. How's things on your end?


Doing well Solitaire, working on a new project and just generally gaming and doing the catch-up thing. Glad to see you're still around :)


Where's Fastea & Reptar?! :welcome:

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