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Jedi Phoenix

Blood Bowl


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Hi all


Some of your older members should remember me from JoH/JSU days others may have seen me on the JP server recentely.


Anyway does anybody here play Blood Bowl?


For those of you not in the know Blood Bowl is a turned based game from Games Workshop loosely based on the rules of American Football with an extra emphasis on violence.


For the old farts like me that played the board game as a kid there is now a PC version made by Cyanide with an online multiplayer. You can get it through steam or from http://www.bloodbowl-game.com, unfortunately they have just but the price back up to £30 but I managed to pick it up for £18 last week.


Anyway, the whole point of this post is that I am looking at setting up a league with a couple of my mates & we are looking for other potential participants. We are in the very early stages of putting this together but I can tell you the following:-


1. The league will be based in the UK, we won't exclude players from outside of EU timezones but it may make it difficult for you to meet your fixture obligations.

2. You will require a genuine copy of the Legendary Edition. You can't play online with a cracked copy. As Cyanide are total c**t's earlier versions of the game are not compatible

3. There will be a requirement to play a minimum of 1 league fixture a week. Obviously there will be some exceptions to allow for holidays, illness etc

4. The league will run for the same number of weeks as the number of teams entered or once all fixtures are completed, which ever happens 1st.

5. There maybe a nominal registration fee to provide a prize fund for the winner & runner up, just to make things more interesting. All registrations fees will be included in the prize fund.


As I said, we are only in the early stages of setting this up (It's basically an idea me & my mates kicked around in the pub the other night). Once I get an idea of the number of people interested I'll setup forums & formalise the rules.


So if anyone is interested either let me know here or get in touch via the usual (PM, email, xfire etc).


Bucket Out!


Disclaimer:- As far as I'm aware this post does not breach JP recruiting rules as it is not JA related nor is Blood Bowl a clan based game. However, if you do feel this is in breach of your rules I sincerely apologise in advance.

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