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Jedi Phoenix

This guy is crashin JP


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Must've been before I was there last night, or he just posted it last night and it didn't actually happen last night.


If he needs to make people's game crash to feel good about his sad existence then it's whatever. I read some of the comments underneath, I lol'd a bit. Let basers feel powerful with their supreme skills and knowledge of the inner workings of JA, they can keep their glitchy hits and ghosts. I'll keep the smoother upgrade of the gameplay and then deal with the damages.


tl;dr - This guy is a pathetic base loser, nothing to see here.

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THATS SON OF AGHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! Sorry guys but how he doing that and why he can crash me but ivaj and others he cant? Please guys do something=) And Onix thanks by giving usefull information

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Sad as it is I find it funny that he goes out of his way to crash individual people by changing skins. A simple exploit that anyone with minor knowledge of scripting can pull off and just shows that he is a sad lil person. If he does indeed crash you I'm sorry about that, please just recon and enjoy the game if you can. He will eventually be banned so not much worry there.

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got me once, didnt see him again. i wouldnt worry, he comes back and does it ima kick him, both in game and through the computer screen



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  • 2 weeks later...

ive seen this guy before...I nver had any incident with him crashing me yet but either way....ill make sure to go back and get his IP to put in my BlackList



EDIT: this guys should be BOS (Ban on Sight) as soon as possible...not just because hes hacking and using exploits...but because hes disturbing the server's activity.


He likes to use Padawan as a way to get in undetected.....whatever the case...hes a serious problem and needs to be punished

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He's a baddie ^_^ He walks around and makes people disconnect because they are just.. so disgusted at his badness. Instead of becoming less of a baddie he continues to swap skins to give the illusion that there are other people who are just as bad as he is, but now we know the truth. Baddie be gone! :(

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  • 4 weeks later...

you know whats funny? How Onix find this video JP Fags? i think this is VERY suspicious.If anyone know that Onix and can say that he is a good guy forgive me. But think about my words

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Oh hey, I know this bug, lol. It actually isn't a "hack", he's just a script kiddy that realized the potential of a script's functions. I'd say there's a fix for it, but that would require a fix from slider, or an option in the server.cfg to have a cool-down on certain things.


On a side note, it doesn't crash everyone. I'm not quite sure why.

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