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Jedi Phoenix

More Photographs from Noc - June

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Got some of my daughters this time and of course my love. Still using shitty $150 digital cannon until I can get a Nikon D90 again.


Let me know what ya's think .


Few weeks we're doing some photo shoots for the next Hooter's calendar, those will be posted!!!


This one is my fav of the photos that day. Looks like a beer add, but I've yet to be able to look at the can to read what kind of beer it was.








My older (5yo) Mikell loves to climb trees XD and she likes my Girlfriend more than her mom. Poses because she see's Brittany (My love).






I drew matching tat's on my daughters. My youngest is Madison on the left (She's 3yo and she can be a stinker to her sister)http://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jjingoldsby82/IMG_2350.jpg


I was trying to get a photo of the trees here but she refused to move. Some people are so rude XD



This was at the zoo. As cute as this little guy is, he was head butting every little kid that tried to touch him. I wish I could say something cool like he let her touch her and tried to leave with her, but this was right before he started ramming her leg, Napoleon syndrome goat!!!





This is my woman with her daughter. She made that cat act like a dog. It comes when it's called, waits at the door for her, even the bathroom door. She gets jealous if I act like I'm petting Brittany and she will run up and literally punch me in the leg or foot.


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lol, not quite. She's my fiance and she's great with my kids. My daughters like her more than their mother. Can't say I blame them XD We've been together for 2 years. I think we may have had maybe 3 or 4 arguments and they weren't much.



Her dad was Portuguese and momma just good old white meat. lol. That's why she has the olive skin color. Well, that and that sun

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