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Jedi Phoenix

My Normal Activity and soon to reapply


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Hey JP folks.


I will be reapplying for you guys soon. Ur really the only clan in JKA that I'd consider joining. Last time I applied I didn't mention that on a normal schedule I only play on weekends and some times every other weekend, depending on my schedule with my daughters. It's a little harder to see my activity that way but I do play with Mr. Hunter and Prison alot who some how has learned to beat me down with his staff. I know it's hax but I'm not telling anyone XD.


Anyhow, just wanted to throw my hours out there this time. I've declined to accept invitations from EK light to join as well as multiple EOC members. Not tooting my horn and not that I don't like people there, but JP is just my home server and I like everyone there. Even when I was with JAWA, I played on JP server more.


For those who haven't seen me in the last few months I started playing again, Yes, you may have known me as Noctuse the A-hole which I'll admit. But, I'm not that guy anymore. I find it to be a much more enjoyable game to be friendly with everyone and if trolled, I just duel challenge them because usually the trolls are folks who Rage or suck at sabering so they have nothing better to do.

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