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Jedi Phoenix

Google - Don't be evil


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Do people really need to watch a video to know this?

The sad part is not what google is doing (which i dont care). It's when i see a video like this on facebook and all these airheads and beef cakes are like OMG.



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HAHAHA I love that video they tried so hard to make them an evil company when that is what advertising firms do they learn about you. Their success obviously points toward something that they are doing right and why not invest in things like genetics? Its the medical way of the future some believe but my my that is awful. (end classic facebook point :p)



Do people really need to watch a video to know this?

The sad part is not what google is doing (which i dont care). It's when i see a video like this on facebook and all these airheads and beef cakes are like OMG.


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