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Jedi Phoenix

Pinky is here


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Hello JP and other Forummembers,


some of you may remember me, the most won't. I can't say when my first visit on the JP Servers was, but since then I loved this place. And I'm happy to found back to your board and just reinstalled JKA to spend some time with you guys again.

I hope you'll welcome me even after I vanished again the last time. I'll try to be a little bit more active on the forums, too.


Whatev - its nice to be back, even if I don't know who the most of you are, because you keep changing your nicks like you did back then :D

Pinkeeeeh in da house.

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CoF Pinky?

Does that mean there was another Pinky? Cause no, I never were a CoF.

Maaany years ago, in JK2, I was in SK [sEXKINGDOM] and for a few months more in JKA till they stopped playing. Since then I was in no clan but JP.


And thanks to everyone for the WB's!

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