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Jedi Phoenix

Need some info.


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After being away sense the end of 2010 I decided to reinstall the game. However I had to redownload the dang thing considering my Cd's were destroyed. Now that I have the game installed and BFUU installed I can't seem to remeber what else I need to install to play on the server. I know I need to patch. But what patch? 1.01? Also can someone post some useful links for Tweaks so i can tweak my game before I connect?

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Welcome back!


The patch you're looking for is here: http://jediknight3.f...Patch_101;20459

We also use the JA+ mod on our server, and you can choose a client-side plugin here: http://www.japlus.net/download.php


You can find skins, custom maps, hilts, and other obtainables from this website: http://jediknight3.filefront.com/


A few pre-server tweaks I'd do (this is from the top of my head) would be:

/rate 25000

/snaps 40

to optimize your connection, per say.



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