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Jedi Phoenix

need command :)

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Are you talking about how far the tip of the lightsaber extends or the actual saber trail that shows up when you swing it?

well tat command make the trail more long even with 0 0 0 color can see the trail

cg_sabertrail 0 will remove it, and cg_sabertrail 2 will give it a trippy inverted/magnify effect, but there is no lengthen trail command.

well i remember tat command is only 1 or 0 just 2 turn off and on the trail

cg_sabertrail x (0 to 3)

cg_saberwidth x <---

cg_sabertraillength x<---

cg_saberbladestyle x (0 or 1)<---

<--- unknow commands well tat wat the console said xP


well thx a lot guys **** cookies for every1 ****




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