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Jedi Phoenix

Greetings from the Jedi Brotherhood


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Greetings members and leaders of JP,


I spoke with Psyche tonight on the server momentarily and was told to post something here on your forums, without any direct links or such, as it would violate recruitment rules.


I am Jedi Master Bara Tzu from the Brotherhood of the Code Gray Jedi Academy. The Brotherhood has been active off and on through JKA over the last 5 years, participating in clans such as {O}, {TO}, {J}, and others. We are a group of friends and gamers whose purpose is to promote goodwill and peace throughout the galaxy (in this case, the JKA gaming universe).


We are not a RP clan, nor a clan at all. We are immersion gamers who enjoy training in JKA through immersion into the Star Wars Universe. This means we hold classes on saber instruction, Force use, Jedi philosophy, the Jedi Code, server control, etc., and we also intend to operate inter-clan tournaments and the like. We are a clan-neutral space, where instructors and students may be from any or no clans, in order to promote sharing between good teachers throughout JKA.


Our primary goal is to provide supplemental instruction for those who seek more out of the game than simply playing with their clanmates, and to work with clan leaders to provide some sort of program where members are rewarded for instruction at the academy, for learning skills that are useful to take back to their clans. The purpose is not to usurp the authority of clan leaders, nor to undermine the clan system. We feel clans are a very important part of games like JKA. We also feel however that not all clan environments are suited to instruct the breadth of skills that we offer, which are useful and necessary to maintaining good clan leadership: critical thinking, technical saber fighting, Force use, healthy interclan diplomacy, teaching skills, non-admin level server enforcement, and so on. While most clans offer some of these, it is our belief that all clans could use some amount help in the form of supplemental instruction in these areas.


I understand that JP may not be interested in this sort of relationship, and if declined I will politely bow and walk away. However it is my duty to extend the invitation wherever the Force wills me, and thus, the offer has been presented. I look forward to hearing from you, and may the Force be with you.


Jedi Master Bara Tzu

Brotherhood of the Code Academy Headmaster

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Um wow uh good to know that you really care about destiny of JA universe actually you remind me SoW( School of war) do you guys have anything familiar with them? And I will just wait here to see how DS will reply.

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Let me just break this down. You're offering to provide "training" for:


- Critical thinking

- Saber fighting

- Force use

- Interclan diplomacy

- Teaching skills

- Non-admin level server enforcement


I think that I can state with confidence that, as the longest running Jedi Academy clan alive, Jedi Phoenix will probably have little need of your services.


Saber fighting "skill" can be garnered simply by practising against other people (something that our server is usually full of).


Force use training would be irrelevant to most of our members, since our server isn't a "Full Force" server. We've done this because most of our members feel that it's unbalanced and not as fun as our current system.


Interclan diplomacy. Some clans go in for "allies" and suchlike. We do not, through our own choosing. When other clans host large tournaments, individual members from our clan tend to get invited anyhow; there's no real need for any such relationships between clans at this stage of the game's life as far as we're concerned. Any relationships that do exist are figments of leftover goodwill from favours rendered, and while appreciated greatly, are certainly not official.


Teaching skills are learned within this clan already, and "server enforcement" is all part of the package of being a member of a clan with a server that gets actual people visiting.


In addition; we're not a skill based clan, we're selective of the people that we allow in anyhow, and we've been in existence for more than five years (official date formed; June 2006). These points speak for themselves in terms of relevance to this matter.



Sadly it seems as though you haven't researched us all that much to see what we're about. I'm reasonably sure we won't be using your services, though I applaud the concept.



On a slightly different note, I'm fairly sure that hosting tournaments would be a good direction for you to head in, and I'm equally certain that a few of our members would be interested in participating. Were I you, I'd focus on this aspect of your operation first, then look to branch out into smaller clans to help them with whatever they need. If you can move to a stage where you're working in a close partnership with smaller clans, I'm sure others would be more likely to take you up on your offer.


Thank you.

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As I said we're an immersion group. It's not RP, but we basically establish personas that reflect our IRL selves in the Star Wars Universe. That's what we've done for ages. We use Star Wars euphemisms a lot.


While the idea of an academy is not new, we are heavily influenced by Master Shao's Jedi Academy from JK2 to early JKA which we all participated in. While SoW seems similar in that vein, they are actually a "martial arts school" with a leader who claims to be a martial arts master and who is attempting to use JKA as a "virtual training ground" for said martial art. We have no affiliation with SoW.


As I said, I predicted that JP would have little use for our services, particularly due to being isolationist and being a well established clan. However, that can't stop me from making the offer. I will most definitely keep you up to date when we start running tournaments.

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As I said we're an immersion group. It's not RP, but we basically establish personas that reflect our IRL selves in the Star Wars Universe. That's what we've done for ages. We use Star Wars euphemisms a lot.


While the idea of an academy is not new, we are heavily influenced by Master Shao's Jedi Academy from JK2 to early JKA which we all participated in. While SoW seems similar in that vein, they are actually a "martial arts school" with a leader who claims to be a martial arts master and who is attempting to use JKA as a "virtual training ground" for said martial art. We have no affiliation with SoW.


As I said, I predicted that JP would have little use for our services, particularly due to being isolationist and being a well established clan. However, that can't stop me from making the offer. I will most definitely keep you up to date when we start running tournaments.


I'm actually a wee bit interested. See you in 2012.

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If you say so Vicious. However what most consider "RP" is free form RP in the heavy manner of adjusting settings based on your character, altering your behavior based on that character, and various other things that places such as DAJ or ::JEDI:: have popularized. We do none of that. We simply use polite and respectful language that is generally grammatically correct, we have a ranking hierarchy (because it's a school, that is sort of necessary to designated "grades" and staff levels) which we hold with respect (i.e. a padawan will refer to his knight trainer as "master", and all will refer to me as "master" since I have that rank, etc.), we generally frown upon fowl language and therefore encourage people to replace it with Star Wars euphamisms, and so on. If that is "RP" then so be it. If the fact that I am a college English writing and linguistics student makes me talk in such a way that you consider it "RP" then fine. I consider it being respectful, being clear and concise, and enjoying Star Wars (because I'm a freakin nerd).


In any event, as it has already been stated that our services are not needed here by one of your Council for some reasons given, and I am beginning to agree for completely different reasons, we'll leave it at that. I wish you well "longest running clan in JKA." I seem to be getting farther in terms of a friendly relationship with JAWA, and I will take your advice about building up smaller clans Fasttea, as it was something we were wanting to do anyway.

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I took out your last sentence because we don't allow recruiting at all on our server or forum board. This includes invites and/or gestures that ask or imply our traffic to leave our property for another server or forum board, especially for the same game.

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I believe everything has been said by Fasttea that has needed to have been said... The proposition won't work for the clan as a whole, however if there are any members who wish to learn from you - they are smart enough to know how to find you. There aren't enough active servers left in JA to make that a problem.


Also, it is pointless to debate about whether Jedi Brotherhood are an RP group or not - those sort of details are insubordinate to the details of what is being offered. It is rather pointless to pick out those sort of details in the first place, Vicious.


And while it may appear we are being standoffish, it is simply that we know you wouldn't work well with our clan for the reasons given, and we are direct in saying so. I wish you all the best with other clans, and hope to see you being successful in your venture.


Before Hardy edited the post you said you were unlikely to return, so perhaps this topic is better left alone, or locked? Either way, I don't feel there's much need for more posts here.

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