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Jedi Phoenix



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Well here we go, this will be my review of Battlefield: Bad Company 2.


Single Player:

The single player here definitely can stand on its own. Although, playing the first Bad Company would help with the background story to Bad Company you don't really have to play it to understand Bad Company 2. The single player is always fast-paced and humorous, and there is almost never a dull moment. However, i found the campaign to be a little short, nothing to big but it left me wishing there were more levels. There is also a good replay value in the game, with harder difficulties, collectible weapons, and M-Com stations to find a destroy.



In terms of graphics, its no surprise that the game was visually stunning. I have BC 2 for PC so i can't tell you for sure what its like on consoles but with my 8800 GS graphics card, i was able to play the game on the highest setting with very minimal hiccups. I found that the game also had a Crysis feel to it in some of the jungle levels of single and multiplayer. One thing that i noticed it multiplayer (occasionally single player) was explosions felt... well they didn't look as well as they could have. At the end of a multiplayer round during the "You Won" or "You Lost" cinematic (depending on the map) the explosions just didn't look very realistic, it felt like something you would see from a last gen. game. But moving on, another thing i didn't find too appealing in terms of graphics was the amount of dust and snow that gets kicked up. In both single player and multiplayer there were some instances where the amount of dust or snow blocked your vision so much that i literally couldn't see 10 feet in front of me. Now i know that this a war environment, and perhaps it was DICE's intention to limit players' vision but it was not something i felt was necessary. All in all the graphics where very good with just a few irritations.



The sound, is of course, just as good as everything else in the game. Having the different sound qualities and settings is certainly something i had fun messing with. But undoubtedly, the sound setting "War Tapes" is pretty much amazing and deserving of a mention here. I've found that the experience you get from the sound is best if you have headphones on. I have nothing bad to say about the sound quality, because its probably the best sounding game i've ever played. I could go on about how good each sound for each and every gun, vehicle, and effect is, but i'll just leave it as saying that it is very good.



The multiplayer is everything you would expect from a Battlefield game. Its huge war-like combat and it is amazing. After every match you want more and you never want to stop playing. The ranking system in BC 2 is good but it has some minor glitches, from what i've seen. Sometimes, it won't show experience gain properly or some other little glitch in the system but it does work just fine. Leveling up at times can seem like it takes forever just to get to the next level but it is certainly worth it, with a vast array of new weapons and gadgets to collect. Once thing i didn't like about it was the login time to get onto the EA system can be a little long. Its not like an hour wait or anything but it feels like they should be able to log you in faster than it does. This also brings me to the issue of finding servers, there are plenty of servers to join and there's no problem with joining one but the problem is searching for the servers. The match making process on consoles may be different and faster but on PC it takes quite a while for EA to send you the full servers list. This may be fixed with a patch in the future as well as the ranking system glitches. And it really doesn't hinder the game in any way, these are, as i've said, just minor annoyances that should be fixed in a patch. The multiplayer in general is amazing with large battles that really give you a sense that you're in a war. All the classes are fairly evenly matched and there are plenty of weapons to obtain for each. Just one more thing i didn't like (this occurs in most Battlefield titles) is the fact that you can't change your soldiers name after you create it, there is an option to change your clan tag like in MW2 and thats fine but it'd be nice to be able to change you name without having to create a new character and have to level it up. Having said this, I do understand why they don't allow you to change your name, but its really no big deal.



I've always loved the Battlefield franchise all the way back to 1942 :wub: , and BC 2 is certainly a welcome member of the BF family. It shows just how far DICE and the BF series has come. The game has very few issues and many great things about it, and it is most certainly worth a buy, no matter what console you have it on.




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I skim read, agree with most of it. The major thing i found missing was the ability to prone, it was completely retarded to leave that out of a multiplayer game (also those annoying bugs + glitches need to be ironed out, too many present and so build up and take the polish off the game imo). One other change that i found a bit strange, was limitation of the battle area, unlike BF2 where you can go anywhere within the map boundaries, on this they allow you a certain area of the map to skirmish over and then once the objectives are done you can then move forward into the next area otherwise its out of bounds (may only be on certain gametypes if im not mistaken).

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My turn! And since we're already pantalones here already covered half of it, I'll shorten my version to prevent straining of the eyes.



Its typical a typical military based action plot here. Russia hates United States. South America hates United States. We all go into war. There's a powerful device made to kill us all that was invented way back during WWII. Whatever.



Now I've played a wee bit of Battlefield Bad Company before and I didn't like it that much. I thought the controls were too stiff and the movement felt a bit sluggish. Overall I didn't like it that much and focused more on CoD4 anyway. Battlefield Bad Company 2 however completely changes my opinion. The overall feel has smoothed out a bit and about all the weapons feel great to fire. Its almost as if each gun has its own personality, which I like since in MW2 a few guns feel and fire relatively the same with only minor tweaks. The single player is short which is too expected since FPS's with heavy emphasis on Multiplayer tend to clock in around 8 hours anyway. Saying the game is short is merely what you get when you have a game focusing on large vehicle, land aerial battles. It's a small price to pay for endless hours of entertainment.


What I do like about BFBC2 much more than MW2 is how you have to actually work in order to gain kills and points. Sure there's still easy ways of gaining kills by hording tanks and choppers. But there's always a counter measure for it. Mind you, chopper kills you = 50 points to them. But if you kill the chopper, you get 250 points. It all evens out in the end. The typical Battlefield esque stuff is here with kits now customizable as you progress, and squad based gameplay. My major complaint about the game is how slowly it takes for you to level up since the game forces you to work hard in order to gain points. It took me about 5 games until I finally reached level 1, which made me quite upset since I managed myself pretty well in all those games. Unlocking new weapons and special abilities will require time and patience. Prestiging in MW2 may take a days worth of play. But it takes about 2 hours just to gain a single level in BFBC2.



I own the Xbox 360 version of the game, and I run it on an 24in LCD display with two PC speakers as outputs. Suffice to say the game looks pretty, and gritty when need be. Yes the usual arousing dust does get distracting after a while. But what I love about the particle effects about BFBC2 compared to MW2 is the fact that all of it is user generated. In MW2 random bits of debris and garbage flies around for no apparent reason. And sometimes it distracts your view while aiming down irons and scopes. (You won't believe the number of times I look around the corner of my eye just to see white bits flying for no reason while I get shot in the face.) In BFBC2, any sign of environmental disturbances gives you warning on where enemies are. I've tracked tracer rounds back and dirt kick up back to targets and made them pay for missing me in the first place. The feeling is immensely satisfying. Another feature I love is the subtle use of Dolby Digital Surround sound used indoors and in corridors. Shell casings echo as they drop to the floor, the slaps of magazines in the magwell makes distinct sounds inside guns as they feed through the upper receiver. Sniper rifles bellow and dissipate in open areas. The sound and reaction of every trigger pull will leave you in awe.



Although I didn't like the first Bad Company, I'm starting to fall in love with the sequel. It's especially fun with feasible squad mates and down right exciting in the heat of battle. Those looking for instant gratifications per match will be dissatisfied though. It's definitely a game of planning, execution and patience. Expect a bullet saying "Good Bye" ye who nade spam and bum rush. Thouest have been warned.

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