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Jedi Phoenix

To those who can't deal with Trolls


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It kills me on how some people are so easily trolled despite the fact that it can be prevented. I watch and laugh a little at some of our site members get themselves trolled badly and reacting badly. But really, in the long run, its not fun for anyone.


If you, or someone you know is getting trolled to death, type /ignore (Troll Name) or tell the person to /ignore the troll. NEVER EVER JUMP IN THERE AND TRY TO DEFEND THE PERSON BEING TROLLED OR ATTACK THE TROLLER, leave the feeding to an expert who know's what their doing.


Trolling can't be stopped. There will always be trolls. But you can take steps to avoid being trolled


That's all I got to say about the matter. Let's try to avoid anymore of the "OMG STUPID TROLL NOOB!" being said by some of our players here. Thanks

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Troll who tells people how to stop his trolling? You just trolled yourself. I don't even know what that makes you.


Iknorite? I don't troll that often, but for the times when I'm not trolling and just want to simply enjoy my time either sitting around or duel'in people, meh, I rather troll the troller instead of make others rage about.

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