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Jedi Phoenix

Bands that you like and probably none of your friends know about

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Let's do it! Post some bands or musical formations/projects that you really like but think that noone from your friends knows them.


I'll start with Eluvium, which is a one-man band, who plays ambient music. Sometimes only a piano, other times distorted recordings from an assortment of instruments. Here's my favourite song from him:




The other formation is weird, cause it's far from being in any of my usually liked genres. Venetian Snares plays glitchcore and IDM (intelligent dance music, á la Aphex Twin), and besides Aphex Twin he's probably the only one that I not only tolerate, but also like too. This guy has a lot of views on youtube, though I have yet to meet anyone who actually knows him (that is, not looking for people like that through google or youtube). Here's one of his best songs:




This last one for now, is a german indie rock band, who has only 2 albums so far. They are called Iroha (not sure if it has to do anything with an anime of the same name), and they caught my attention through another band called Jesu (pretty famous drone and post-rock band, they are the remains of Godflesh). I'll post their self titled song:




Aight now post yours!



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Well aside from all the random boring metal shit there is a post rock band I love called If These Trees Could Talk. :)




Discovered them while playing the Infamous demo on PS3 and it was the song in the credits, I basically sprinted to my computer to try find out what it was called the moment it came on :).

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