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Jedi Phoenix


Ice Gavel

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So yeah, quick update. Apparently the 'rents think it's hilarious to plan a trip and not tell me until it's time to pack. I'll be gone for about a month, and I'll drop you guys a line whenever I can.




And no, I have no idea where they're taking me.

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They usually do the same shit to me as well, I mean did until the summer of 2009. Then they wanted to take me to Transylvania while I had plans for a quick vacation with my friends, and they just couldn't convince me to go with them because I got super raged over it. For oldfags, it was the summer when my mom messed up my hair so bad that I had to cut it to the extent of me becoming bald (see my current profile picture). This event also worked as an alibi for me not going with them.


I also closed one of our cats in the house for 3 days accidentally, and it shat and pissed all over the place. Fucking beast, how can a small fuckwit like him produce so much crap is beyond me (especially because he had no food).


Anyways, see ya when ya get back, I know your frustration.



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