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Jedi Phoenix

JK2 1.02 and version changer

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I said I would re-up and post this, so here it is. This .rar contains a version changer app made by NTxC that allows you to freely switch between JK2 version 1.02 and 1.04.


If you're using a Steam version of JK2, and don't have the CD, you'll need to use the No CD patch before you can play. First use the version changer to select the JK2 version you want, then place the no CD patch in the same directory as jk2mp.exe and run it. It'll ask you if you want to search for files (steam version doesn't include the original launcher .exe), just say no.




Let's get some games going!



EDIT: I'll also add a link to the community made 'assets777' pk3 which corrects a couple of skin exploits present in 1.02 (galak_mech and kyle/fpls2)


Download assets777.pk3

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