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Jedi Phoenix



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Greed, ignore our pet hyena.


He's actually from Estonia, don't let his name fool you.


But yeah, April has been pretty ridiculous weather wise, more so for you than me. But one day here (Rhode Island) it'll be in the 50-60's, than the next it's in the 30's. Not to mention it snowed the very first day of April. I want summerrrrrrrrrrr.

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Greed, ignore our pet hyena.


He's actually from Estonia, don't let his name fool you.


But yeah, April has been pretty ridiculous weather wise, more so for you than me. But one day here (Rhode Island) it'll be in the 50-60's, than the next it's in the 30's. Not to mention it snowed the very first day of April. I want summerrrrrrrrrrr.


Dude it's 72 outside now and it feels like fucking 40 that's retarded lol we are always under a Tornado watch it seems and it's sunny one day then all of the sudden DOWNPOUR! i'm like FFFFFFFFUUUUU I hate you Weather go die in a fire lol. at least it will be warm in said fire lol.

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Fuck all your Fahrenheits. We have 22° CELSIUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUS DEGREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES in here and loving it, altough it better gets colder... I enjoy cold weather

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Lulwut? lolol arn't you in a tornado watch since you're knoxville? i'm about 2 hours away from you lol.

one time i remember i was in kitchen and saw tornado like 150 meters away from me and started to attack my house. i was laughing and i opened window

i was like take me. take me to hell hahaa... it camed closer but luckily it turned away and went to the city side

but back to the nowadays we still have snow here ahahaa

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